Safe and Effective®

Peer reviewed journal confirming another “conspiracy theory”.

John Campbell- Good Morning

International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research- Real-Time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically Visible Artificial Constructions in Incubated Specimens of mRNA Products Mainly from Pfizer and Moderna: A Comprehensive Longitudinal Study

Observable real-time injuries at the cellular level in recipients of the “safe and effective” COVID-19 injectables are documented here for the first time with the presentation of a comprehensive description and analysis of observed phenomena.

In addition to cellular toxicity, our findings reveal numerous — on the order of 3~4 x 106 per milliliter of the injectable — visible artificial self-assembling entities ranging from about 1 to 100 µm, or greater, of many different shapes. There were animated worm-like entities, discs, chains, spirals, tubes, right-angle structures containing other artificial entities within them, and so forth.

They resembled carbon nanotube filaments, ribbons, and tapes, some appearing as transparent, thin, flat membranes, and others as three-dimensional spirals, and beaded chains. Some of these seemed to appear and then disappear over time. Our observations suggest the presence of some kind of nanotechnology in the COVID-19 injectables.

Note (from Kate) – the Journal in question seems sketchier than the mainstream sketchy journals, so proceed accordingly. More in the comments.

32 Replies to “Safe and Effective®”

    1. I agree with TN. While I think there are genuine safety issues with the mRNA vaccines and they should be discontinued until independent evaluation, this isn’t likely one of the problems. I too think that the nanobot assembly theory is designed to be either a distraction from real issues with the vaccine or to erode the credibility of anti-mRNA vaccine researchers. There would have to be extraordinary proof for me to believe the self assembling nanotech idea.

  1. The International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research is an apparent sham journal that immunologists and virologists have been complaining about since it appeared in 2021.

    Also, although the journal claims to be peer reviewed, papers are actually reviewed by members of the editorial board. This is NOT credible peer review, as proper peer review seeks out researchers from around the world who are specialists in the very particular field that the paper addresses. No editoral board can hope to have the all the expertise needed for the wide ranging topics that this journal publishes. I assume, then, that a few members of the editorial board read over a submission, and if sounds appropriately sciency, it’s accepted. That the dates of submission and acceptance are not shown supports that.

    John Campbell is no idiot. He should have caught the dodgy nature of the journal, and he should definitely not have claimed this paper was properly peer reviewed. A little research would have gone a long way.

    1. The Editor In Chief is John Oller, an expert in … linguistics.

      Most of the editorial board do not have MDs. Some of their fields of expertise are theoretical physics, law, chemistry, economics, electrical engineering, biochemistry, public policy, and so on. Some have expertise in fields in or closely related to vaccines, but not many. Three of them, telling, claim expertise in autism.

      It would seem that this editorial board was selected for its vaccine skepticism rather than expertise and accomplishments in vaccine research.

        1. Right on cue, DanBC makes a vacuous comment, presumably because he hates my post but can’t think of a rebuttal.

          Well thanks for playing.

    2. Appeal to authority plus ad hominem masquerading as an argument. Piss off, wanker.

      This is why no one “trusts the science” anymore. Because of anti-science neo-religious dickheads like you.

      1. Campbell is the one that said the paper was published in a peer-reviewed journal. He obviously thinks that’s important, and supports the credibility of the paper. I suggest you say “Piss off, wanker” to him.

    3. In an era of compromised peers, there is nothing wrong with this. It is no worse than your dickhead College of Psychiatry sanctioning Jordan Peterson, or your College of Physicians and Surgeons unilaterally declaring off-label medicine use forbidden. Unless there is pharma money to be made in so doing, of course.

      Piss off with your Federal Government snake-oil bullshit. No one is buying the crap you people are selling anymore.

      1. The owner of this blog has requested that posters stay civil. I recommend you follow her advice. Totally up to you, of course.

  2. So varmint is trying to say that it is not
    Pharma sponsored.

    No shortage of investigation into the varmits
    Trusted Peer review process.
    Who funds and owns them.

    Step out side them….and the varmints

  3. Health Canada directed the Provinces to remove and destroy all remaining Convid-19 shots on August 27,2024.
    Pfizer and Moderna shots are contaminated with trillions of plasmids and fragments.
    It appears, they are destroying evidence of the “vaccine” contamination, in a cover up operation.
    The next step in this will then be to blame all COVID-19 mRNA Vaxx injuries on something else…perhaps a “new pathogen”?
    Get ready…something very bad is coming from all of this maneuvering by Health Canada and the Trudeau government

    1. It seems to be standard procedure to direct the destruction of a previous vaccine before a new one is rolled out. They do that for influenza vaccines. Presumably this is to prevent patients from getting the old vaccine by mistake, which is not as effective on new strains of the pathogen. Perhaps some of the vaccines also have “best before” dates.

  4. I remember that this information came out in 2021 or early 2022, the nanoparticles developed in UBC Vancouver, were forming odd, right angled, shapes that resembled micro chips. Then there was the magnetic issue at the injection sites, then Japan returned its doses due to metalic contamination. It all caused a bit of a stir and was dismissed as another weird conspiracy theory, aka spoiler alert, at the time. The other odd thing that was mentioned was why weren’t batch samples being preserved as was done with other “vaccines” to identify any problems later with possible batch contamination. Now they are destroying all remaining stock, shouldn’t you keep a sample for future reference. None of this smacks of the “due diligence” required of our Medical Authorities, hopefully some provinces will retain some vials for future examination.

  5. We DO know Canada purchased over 400 million doses of the woohoo flu injectable prophylactics. For a population (at the time) of around 35 million. Not hard math, that.

  6. This is unsurprising research. The whole concept of using modified gene therapy as though it were a vaccine was bad science from the outset, especially as the research was showing that the chosen protein to manufature in cells was what’s been largely responsible for the uniquely toxic aspects of Covid in comparison to an ordinary flu.

    The situation here is a recapitulation of the dynamics of low-carb and keto research since at least the late 1960s. The commerical and political interests caputured regulators, research finding agencies, nutrition schools and research publication journals that drove genuine good-faith science to the so-called periphery by people other than the “recognized” “expert” in the centre of the fields. All the fallacious propaganda and smear tactics we read in the covid vaccine space echoes what we read for decades regarding low-carb and keto. But the science prevails in the end, despite the ad hominems and other fallacies. The proof of the pudding is in the tasting. I learned to see through the establishment propaganda and research manipulation and have been high-fat keto for some 16 years with none of the “inevitable” health horrors the guideline people said would befall me. Indeed, quite the opposite. And after several decades, even the diabetic associations are coming around to saying that low-carb diets are a viable alternative. But there is a long way to go yet.

    An interesting parlor game we healthy avoiders play is guess how long until the “mainstream” fesses up to the perfidy and resulting scope of disaster.

  7. Oh boy.. Can we not just hang a few ring leaders and get on with our lives?… The outsiders were right in this case..
    Its was all bad and they did it for no reason.. And a broken clock is correct twice a day..

    The plebs are not going to regulate the regulators..

    The Central Scrutinizer

  8. Prion diseases like mad cow disease etc. are due to the irregular folding of proteins, it’s probably a lot more profitable to create disease than cure disease, so this could make sense.

  9. All the pseudo science journal from Immunology to Intelligent Computing, the phrase “Peer Reviewed” is code for ‘we printed it’, is NOT confirmation of quality of adherence to scientific method or validity of results.

    Astra Zeneca has “chimpanzee adenovirus” in it, Pfizer has “glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2 Wuhan-Hu-1 strain” and oodles of other yummy components.

    It’s a safe bet they all include fun stuff left over from the lab tables and added in to products just to ‘see what happens’. There’s no real, substantive oversight. The pharmaceutical collective does not exist to make people well, where is the profit in doing that, eh?

    1. As I mentioned above, this journal does not do true peer review. Each submission is read by a few members of the editorial board, many of whom do not appear to be experts in vaccines. They do not send it out to true experts in whatever subfield the paper is in, which is how the more reputable journals do it.

      1. “reputable journals” … reputable to whom? Your College of Physicians and Surgeons inner circle jerk?
