113 Replies to “September 6, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. was cameron conservative? thats the issue l have with certain conservatives, a knack for dismissing historically significant events (we may not be fully aware the impact at the time) with a casual few words. conservatists do that.

      1. You may mean WOPs, With Out Papers
        WOG is Worthy Oriental Gentleman
        and the Guardian is WAC, Without A Clue

    1. they want blasphemy? here is some blasphemy, l have it of good authority (meaning l just made it up) the prophet was actually born out of his mother’s ass.
      how’s that mr imam??

      1. True, but the backpaddling now is delicious. Besides, I will never believe that someone so well informed could be so blind. I will never believe that this wasn’t malice merely ignorance. There are thousands of independent voices from Ukraine speaking in every language on earth. He has chosen not to listen and now just desperately tries to stay relevant. This is where insane team loyalty and jacobin zeal leads to. Plenty of this going around.

        1. Jessica
          ” I will never believe that this wasn’t malice merely ignorance. ”

          C~4, I see yer still totally lacking in self awareness.

    1. sooooooo because drunkard abc wont read to his kids because of crossed eyes, therefore NONE of the responsible parents within ear shot are allowed to speak words from a child’s storybook.
      is that progressive?

  1. Perhaps it’s just silly me however, noticing that one person dominates the conversation? To be honest, I come to SDA to have the opportunity to listen. As such, I’ve stopped reading comments because it’s become a simplistic argument.

    1. Got to agree with you. Want to hear gnarly people hurt insults back and forth about Eurasian issued, this is your place. Want to learn from intelligent minds some alt elite information one must learn to tune out the rabble and scroll on down

    1. Environment and Tossing Virgins into Volcanoes Canada disagrees. According to the Guilbeault disciples, the current year will always be the hottest on record.

    2. RD

      God forbid that any Canadian Reads that…!!
      Will be instantly classified as Disinformation

      The Reading (& disseminaton thereof), may put thee on any number of WATCH LIST.
      I’m sure that by now I’m on more than a few.

  2. I am following the Tenet indictment closely.
    Not sure what to make of this yet, but my bullshit detector just registered “red alert!”
    As I have been saying since the start of the Ukraine conflict, things are not as they appear to be. I suspect the same can be said about this scandal.

      1. Megyn Kelly did a follow up discussion with two attorneys who also exposed a superficial understanding of the Tenet issue. they assumed that Tenet was linked to the main content programming of Tim Pool and Dave Rubin. In fact Tim Pool outsourced management of a secondary line of content, a weekly culture and entertainment program to Tenet. They wildly extrapolated that to include Tims main focus, his news content and commentary programming. It is not linked to Tenet. It’s easy to be deceived.

    1. Red alert is right.
      Here is a link to a National Pulse article:
      The DOJ and FBI (they brought us Russia Russia Russia 1.0) who zealously guard and protect the unwashed masses from non deep state sanctioned information, have discovered Russian disinformation yet again and coincidentally just before another US election. Those clever Russians created disinformation content that has eluded big tech platform algorithms that had a successful record of censoring and deplatforming covid dissidents, Hunter’s laptop content, Ukraine money laundering and Donald Trump. All this effort to deflect scrutiny of the regime’s 4 years of failure on every front domestic and foreign. Tenet media = Steele dossier so welcome to Russia Russia Russia 2.0

      1. Hah, I thought money laundering might figure in. Tenet was set up to acquire and use the revenues from the influencer licences, in order to finance their propaganda campaign. Beyond the initial seed money, the trail doesn’t lead back to RT. Pretty damn neat; a clever way to game the media and evade the law.

      2. It’s not likely that the Russians are the only ones using such a strategy. Yes where are the FARA indictments for pro China, pro Iran, pro Israel, pro UAE, pro Ukraine, pro Hamas….scams……

    2. Yes, things are not as they appear to be: there is a lot of duped morons on russian payroll, manufacturing russian propaganda, this is what people should be focusing on. Instead below we have a festival of useful idiots focusing everything but what is important.

      And then there is Timmmmy, a hero to so many here who yesterday wanted the civilized world to apologize to russia and who today made a complete 180 and now claims that “Putin is a scumbag, [r]ussia sucks donkey balls.” But let’s not look at that either.

  3. Re: Tenet story
    Megyn Kelly is friends with Dave Rubin.
    The conservative influencers were indeed victims. Tim Pool and Dave Rubin did push back on the source of the funding, Eduardo Gregorian (sic), who was presented to them as a wealthy French entrepreneur.
    To be clear Tenet was not involved with either Dave or Tim’s primary programming .
    Megan Kelly has suggested that maybe they should have been more suspicious because, at least in Dave Rubin’s case, he was overpaid for his content. Not sure, if that’s true in Tim Pools case. In Tim’s case, Tenet was managing a spin off program that was not political in content. It looks like the conservative influencers were lured to this company to provide cover for Tenet’s propaganda effort. There is a slight of hand by the DOJ, knowing that the public will conflate these activities.

    1. The indictment alleges that the founders of the company, Lauren Chen and her husband, intentionally deceived the influencers mentioned below (seemingly Dave Rubin and Tim Pool) regarding the source of the funding.

  4. Re:Tenet’s propaganda effort.
    Managing some content for influences, was secondary to their main goal. On the down low, Tenet was managing “spoof” or “counterfeit” websites that mimicked legitimate well known news sites. If you inadvertantly clicked on one of these sites you got Russian propaganda instead of legit news. This is what the DOJ is after. It conveniently provides an opportunity for their own propaganda.

  5. The following is idle speculation, on my part, and I’m open to correction.
    Recall that Tenet has existed for about 10 months. Im assuming that Google and other platforms have ways to detect bogus, counterfeit websites. Even, if they don’t, you’d think it’s probable that the legit sites, who were spoofed, would discover and report it. How long it would take them to discover the scam and notify the FBI, I don’t know. Nor, do I know how long it would take to gather evidence. It does occur to me that the DOJ could have delayed making this public til they could muddy up the election cycle by undermining the credibility of conservative podcasters. We all know the public will not comprehend that Tenet was working two angles, and will not discern between the propaganda activity and management of influencer content activity.
    This is assuming, this wasn’t a honey pot from the get go.

      1. The description of the doppelganger effect occurs around the 8th paragraph.
        There is a phrase “added at the press conference ” Highlighted in red. Fox news and WaPo are two of the spoofed sites

  6. Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland sent letters to the three principal owners of Wealth One bank, saying it could be a conduit for spying and money laundering:

    Freeland could have released the latter’s to the public last year, when they were sent. But the Globe and Mail only discovered them in court documents.

    (under a paywall)

    1. I’m having trouble posting this morning. But the above link said August job growth was very flat, with the unemployment rate increasing from 6.4% to 6.6%. The summer student unemployment rate jumped to around 16.7%, much higher than the previous summer.

    1. Unfortunately they’ll continue to fund Democrat politicians, and they’ll try to turn Florida into an east coast sh*t hole to match the west coast one.

    1. We have Pierre, Lying Brian, Jean Cretin, Jason Kenney (who would let in any refugee claimant who claimed to be persecuted for being gay with no proof of persecution nor for being gay), and of course Justin to credit with all this enrichment.

      They brought in all this diversity to do the crimes that Old Stock Canadians rarely would.

  7. Why do I get the impression that the purpose of the public service is to enrich itself? Years ago when reviewing RFPs from the government we would often run into requests that we would pass over with the comment ‘written for somebody’. Unable to be sole sourced directly the Request for Proposals would be written in such a way that only the preselected winner would be able to meet the qualifications, most having little to do with the skills needed to do the work. Today one of those faceless bureaucrats has been caught. He is not the only one and from tenders I have seen just a small fish. https://ottawacitizen.com/news/former-public-servant-admits-to-awarding-230000-in-contracts-to-his-own-company

    1. Just post Real Andy Lee stuff, it’s awesome.
      The Libs are in so deep, can’t see forest for the trees. Wait the forest is on fire?

  8. What is overlooked in this column and the reference he cites is that one of the earliest acts of the Liberal government after winning the 2015 election was to remove Exit Controls, to know and record everybody who leaves Canada, so that we can know who has overstayed their official welcome as “students”, temporary foreign workers or visitors.

    Exit controls also have other benefits, such as being able to ascertain that a doctor who has billed the province for seeing a number of patients, was actually vacationing in Hawaii instead.

    Canada’s Enoch Powell moment A once-envied immigration system is crumbling
