The Brainwashed Masses

Blacklock’s- Fear Climate Food Shortages

Canadians fear climate change will lead to food shortages here, says in-house Privy Council research.

Researchers specifically asked focus group participants if they worried about climate change in Canada. Participants were not told the country is self-sufficient in agricultural and seafood production.

Canadian food exports totaled $99 billion last year, by official estimate. Canada is the world’s 8th largest exporter of farm, fish and seafood products. “Canada simply grows more agricultural commodities and produces more food than its population is capable of consuming,” Farm Credit Canada, a federal bank, wrote in a July 26 commentary.

23 Replies to “The Brainwashed Masses”

  1. Any food shortages will be as a result of Liberal and NDP attempts to ban fertilizers just like what happened in Sri Lanka.

  2. I think I read somewhere that Canada will be of a net beneficiary of global warming. Makes sense to me.

    1. If AGW is true, Canada will be a huge beneficiary of any warming. Any warming will move the tree line north. As the tree line moves north, the number of heat-days will increase. This will allow longer growing seasons because of warmer temperatures and allow crops to be grown in places where growing seasons were too short or too cold.

      A rise in CO concentration will always produce an increase in plant growth, thus more crops.

  3. The gov’t of tier 2 Canada is dependent upon Canadians being too stupid for their own good.

    I on the other hand, wait in (near) silent anticipation for the southern Alberta banana, citrus, and coffee crops to be fully harvested before deciding on whether to flee for southern climes, as it’s far too late for a merely elevated carbon tax to save us and our spawn.

  4. The end of this interglacial and the start of the next Ice Age? Yeah, sure. But from more ppm of plant food being added to the air??? These carbonphobes must be the same people that got their tongues stuck to the frozen flag pole at recess or got burned touching a stove top after being told it was hot. Real geniuses.

  5. “In an astounding turn of events, government pollsters working with hand-picked focus groups discover that government propaganda is working.”

    I’m sure it is working. You tell a whole nation the end of the world is coming, some of them will believe it.

    I’m also sure that food shortages are more likely to be the result of fertilizer restrictions, idiotic regulations, obscene taxation and supply chain breakdowns. Climate change isn’t even close to being in the same ballpark.

  6. The left are in control right now and it’s their sand box . You cannot reason with insane people …it’s impossible . The same thing is going on in the US of A . The only way out of this mess is regime change within the next year . Canada might be able to pull it off as Trudope’s people are not smart enough notwithstanding their whore media to actually steal an election . Not so south of the 49th ….the dems are well seasoned and know how it’s done .

  7. Fear is powerful weapon, as was seen during covid. Too many people fall for government fear propaganda over and over again. Once they believe the lies, it is difficult to convince them with actual facts.

  8. The privy council opinion poll is pure BS. Opinion polls tell the client what they want to hear. Depending on the answers the client wants, I can produce an opinion poll to justify any proposition however ridiculous it may be.

  9. Talking politics at a dinner party?.. The people saying the propaganda don’t believe it any more than the people repeating it.. Its important you know that..

    Climate change means, I win and you lose.. Everything else is just a detail not worth mentioning.. We will ban this, until we decide not too.. We will promote that, until we decide not too.. Theater arts $$$..

    I thought I had a future in that.. Then they wrapped me a cardboard and told me I was a tree.. A set piece?..
    No accounting for taste..

  10. I am living out in the country. We have a big garden. I buy meat chicken eggs dairy honey local direct from farmers. We make our own butter and cheese and salami. We have dehydrators and a freeze dryer. We can stuff like tomatoes and our own fruit from our trees. We grow hydroponic lettuce in winter. The only food shortages we might actually face are things like not being able to have fresh apricots and blueberries from Chile in February. When I was young we ate what was in season, Mandarin oranges were only available at Christmas time and came in little wooden boxes from Japan. I thought it was a huge treat to get a mandarin orange in my stocking from Santa. I didn’t see a Kiwi until I was in my 30s. No I don’t want to go back to that but if I have to we can. if the climate gets warmer I’d love some zone 4 veggies in my yard. I’m zone 3a right now.

  11. Stupid people. A warmer “planet” will mean more arable land and longer growing season in Canada. That’s a good thing. If only th planet was “warming”.
