7 Replies to “Those Moderate Muslims!”

  1. Some little girl’s hijab might get torn off by a white, Christian, school chum … on her way to school … as an act of Islamophobic blowback

  2. The people who live in Pakistan have one of the highest levels of consanguineous marriages in the world.
    I think the PM Turd would know this, and I fail to see the value of bringing people to Canada who are barely capable of higher technology than making soccer balls.


    Sure some of them built or bought nuclear bombs and the missiles to deliver them, but they’ll never use them right? … right?

    1. That fact of marriage between cousins, marriages between uncles and nieces is the only thing which will save western society. In the UK, the Muslims who inter-marry have documented cases of congenital deafness, blindness and retardation and they are all “living the dream” on National Health.
      As well, I read years ago about the Saudi Arabians purchasing a very expensive plane from France, sending a crew of Muslim men who had “no clue in a handbag” how to pilot the plane, refused the training seminar from the manufacturer or instructional flights and crashed the plane before it even left the runway. A hugely expensive piece of equipment, destroyed within half an hour of taking possession.
      In the meantime, arms dealers (and I include western governments in that term) sell them easy to use equipment which the purchasers use to destroy western civilization. Again, I am pinning my hopes for the future of the West on their in-breeding.

  3. As an immigrant, blessed with the opportunity of betterment, need be subservient to the ways of my cultural past and bring those dysfunctional problems here? Asking for someone born here and knowing better.

  4. Liberal voter gets arrested, will he be released in time to vote Liberal?

    That’s the only question that matters to your wealthy and powerful betters.

  5. A Muslim is a person.. Islam is political movement / religion..
    They all cant be guilty so none of them are, is no way to deal with Jihad.. If we are going to hang out.. The hate end of Islam needs to be run off.. Back to where it came from.. I don’t see that happening..

    If it were a western institution that openly promotes and produces mass murders?.. The euchre club would be shut down.. Bikers kill bikers.. Mafia kills mafia.. They guys with the hookers and the drugs decided to kill 30 children at a birthday party.. That’s not crossing the line?.. Do you need a map to find them?..
