8 Replies to “Today In Islam”

    1. More than enough. Sadly, the only way to solve a problem like that is nuking their holy city.

      1. Thucy…
        Now THAT is something I would LOVE to see…In fact … Relish.
        Glassed….Rinse n Repeat as required.

        Islam is nothing but Pure EVIL

    2. I can’t say there is such a thing as ” enough” islam. It’s a binary, there is either too much islam or none at all, because islam says there must be only islam, nothing else. As long as they won’t “live and let live,” they impose upon everyone else “kill or be killed.”

  1. Been to, been through, worked in, maybe 10 Islamic countries – one, (of the many), thing(s) that stick with me is that no matter how nice one of them is, or appears to be, you can never (fully) trust them…..they’ve been brainwashed since birth.

    Keep your distance(s).

    1. We have ALL been so thoroughly brainwashed since birth that very few can see the enormity of it. It is everywhere, injected into everything.

      This is NOT normal and absolutely NOT how we humans should be living:

      “Updated on September 2, 2024
      Number of Countries involved in wars 70
      Number Militias-guerrillas and terrorist-separatist-anarchic groups involved 900”


      Almost everything people think they know is a fraud.

  2. ‘There are also indications that the man may be suffering from a mental disorder, reports Die Welt’

    Of course. Afghan. Well, I *swear* the man believes in a prophet that married a little girl.
