16 Replies to “Batten down the hatches”

  1. Seriously. Where are the Eco-scolds? They all went apoplectic with the Exxon Valdez and BP Gulf explosion. Why aren’t they screaming bloody murder now?

    Ohhhhh … I see … the Eco-EXTREMISTS are intersected with the “Palestinian” cause … so Eco disasters get canceled out by their Islamist sympathies

  2. That tells how bad the economy is, demand is so soft, things that threaten supply don’t matter.

  3. I read a humorous comment that wondered if the stock market was going to short trade oil all the way to the tank bottoms at Cushing. Apparently, total oil inventories in the US are low and still falling. Low inventory happened in September 2023 too.

        1. has to do with the perverse tendency for progressives in particular and most noticable the likes of gill boat to issue ‘edicts from on high’ bereft most times of realistic goals and familiarity of markets for instnace.
          hey kameandwentmala did you get that??? l spell it out; price controls are rife with unintended but in this case very predictable consequences

    1. The Strategic Petroleum Reserve is low, industry reserves are high. Refineries are shutting down units for extra maintenance, and crack spreads are very low. Demand is extremely soft.

  4. Zinchuk is probably a dumb dinosaur (like me), however, China imports almost as much oil as America produces, and America is producing record amounts of oil.

    From 5 million bbl/day in 2011, to over 11 million in 2023. Got to keep those EVs charged 😉


  5. The USA has 900 cars per 1,000 people … Canada 870 per 1,000 population. The USA has a total of 305 million automobiles

    The ChiComs have 231 cars per 1,000 people, and a total of 329,120,000 vehicles.

    The ChiComs have less than a third of the vehicles per capita. I guess what the ChiComs REALLY like are bicycles … that are even “greener” … and more backward than short distance EV’s. Embrace the 19th century, eh Jenn? Oh, oh!! And masks … the ChiCom peasants LOVE wearing masks.
