I Can’t Believe that this Woman is running to be President of the United States of America

Imagine you were in a coma for a decade, woke up, and were shown this video. Then you were informed that this is the Democrat Presidential candidate. How quickly would you wish you were still in your coma?

30 Replies to “I Can’t Believe that this Woman is running to be President of the United States of America”

  1. To think this person is within the margin of cheat to be President is unbelievably frightening in such a dangerous world. Sickens me.

    1. What, why?
      Isn’t she the best and brightest Dem you’ve ever seen , the absolute embodiment of the modern Democrat Party ethos in terms of character and intellect. She seems perfectly representative to me.

  2. Harris doesn’t have any trouble sounding shallow. It’s her default position.

    If reports are to be believed she is a money raising machine. $300+ million in August alone. At this rate by election time she may surpass a billion. Unbelievable. Money matters in politics.

    1. I think that money was sitting there ready to go to whoever was the Dem candidate — some of it laundered money, most of it big corporate doners and probably kick backs happening. There was phoney stuff happening on the corner lists. Same for Obama. I don’t think the donations are an indication of Kamala’s appeal as a candidate.

      1. LindaL

        100% & most likely every bit of it from those who sat in the rafters at the DNC.
        Globalist Corporatists – Those who can arguably be deemed – NeoCon Military / Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex supporters & those they OWN (MS Media)

        Basically, those who profit from WAR & Death.
        Not a new phenomena, have a gander at who supported Adolph Hitler and the likes of the Rothschilds who supported both sides…

        Harris” Another one that is 100% OWNED & Operated by the above

  3. So the color of the coffee lid was absorbing all of your attention? How shallow, and feckless! The brains of a gnat. Do you remember the reason for the meeting in the first place or was that just too trivial for your lofty gaze?

    1. Your mind went right to a very nasty place but I support you 100%

      As Jed Clampett said “if brains were lard, she couldn’t grease a fair sized frying pan”

      1. Stewartpid

        Love the Jed Clampett line…LMAO..!!
        Cannot disagree….there’s Stoopid, but this goes far far beyond that.
        Underneath that exterior lies a demon…

        1. A demon? Their name is Legion.

          Didn’t Paul Simon write a song about this? “I said the man in the gadarene suit was a swine.” Along those lines.

  4. However! Just remember … Donald Trump doesn’t “sound” Presidential.

    How many times have you heard that? Oh! And the “mean Tweet” thing

  5. Wow, this is incredibly damning, Robert. Has the Trump campaign’s oppo research team got in touch with you yet? I just know they’ll want to spend millions getting the word out on this one. 😉
