14 Replies to “It’ll Work When We Do It”

  1. Swedish economist (and socialist) Assar Lindbeck asserted, “In many cases rent control appears to be the most efficient technique presently known to destroy a city—except for bombing.”

  2. Rent control helps the people already renting.. Kills the new rental businesses.. Putting even more demand on the home ownership end of the market as they become rentals..

  3. Most liberal policies provide benefit to those who don’t need or deserve it, without doing anything to fix the problem and help the deserving.

    EV subsidies make them cheaper for someone buying their 2nd or 3rd car and student loan forgiveness disproportionately helps upper middle class kids.

    Funding infrastructure for only “shovel ready jobs” creates nothing, because work projects don’t get to shovel ready stage without already obtaining funding, but it lets that previous funding be spent on something else stupid instead of infrastructure.

  4. There are multiple cases winding their way through the courts in the US arguing that the FedGov actions are a taking and require compensation. Que-MALA’s idea would also be considered a taking, and it’s not something she can do anyway.

  5. Property rights would be a nice thing.

    Instead we get “you didn’t build that!”

    Luxury market seems to be the only thing unaffected by anything, no pandemic problems and price inflation is irrelevant to them.

    Invest in providing luxuries to the Uber-rich, forget building rental housing…

  6. The tulip chokers are nothing but socialist A$$holes, I know because my cousins over there are just that.

  7. You sell the property. The buyer requires vacant occupancy. The buyer increases the rent for new tenants.

  8. If you let your population fall.. This will lower housing costs and allow people to afford to have children..
    Instead of chopping down forests, you chop down slumlords..

    But what do I know?..

  9. In Argentina, they scrapped all rental laws.

    If you’re not happy with your landlord, MOVE.

    If you have a monetary dispute with your landlord/ tenant, take them to small claims court.

  10. Don’t forget, the explosion of BNBs in BC was a direct result of the NDP’s ridiculous new rules for residential tenancies.
    Maximum rent increases for last 5 years under 2% a year, and much more restrictive rules for evicting a tenant. The NDP’s demonization of landlords has caused people who own rental property to think twice before being subject to the Residential Tenancy Branch. BnBs are not covered by RTB rules.
