40 Replies to “Jonestown Precinct”

  1. I know the answer. Cops are among the laziest people on earth. Anything that involves work or danger is avoided. That’s why they run away from school shootings. That’s why they would rather beat up a grandmother during a minor offense and brag about it. That’s why they write chickenshit tickets all day but won’t respond to robbery calls. They don’t need to be defunded. They need to go to jail when they lie or abuse their powers. They don’t need to go to jail if they use bad judgement in a clear emergency that is not a traffic offense.

    1. So you got some tickets and are now miffed, eh? It is pretty clear you don’t know what you are talking about. If the cops on the street aren’t supported by the politicians why would you expect they will put themselves on the line. Your comment is asinine.

      1. I think that’s you’re problem. Police should not work for politicians. They should up hold the law and work for law abiding tax paying (their employers really) citizens. We are in this problem because the police work for the politician.

        1. No, that’s not MY problem….that is the problem of the structure. As it is now, if the Police Chief and Commission is full of leftist crackpots, the front line cops are sacrificed for the leftist ideology….and those who DO want to uphold the law give up. My point is stop pointing fingers at the front line cops and go after the Chiefs and Commissioners.

          1. BINGO.
            If the mayor tell the chief to ignore the gangs. Then argue about that. Not the front line cops.

      2. Arty
        Thanks for saying what I was essentially going to say. I’v had more than my share of BULLSHIT with cops , but if politicians and the general public don’t support the police why should they put their life on the line for them. That doesn’t mean all cops are good, but all cops are just human beings.
        Noe for the cop haters in here to post their ignorance.

        1. Seriously… Regardless of my opinion of your general remarks, GYM, that last post has me scratching my head on which side of the fence you’re really on.
          On one hand, you deplore the “BULLSHIT” with cops, on the other, you give the cops a nod by saying that “there’s no room for cop haters.”

          IMHO, you have good cops and bad cops, like you do with any group in society. Unfortunately, with the politics of the day, more of the good cops are leaving out of frustration, which leaves behind… say it with me… the bad cops.

          What we need is a change of attitude with the leadership. We need to give cops more protections when they do their job. We need to keep the criminals behind bars, and not let them out within hours of their arrest, so that they can re-offend, and WE NEED TO GET RID OF THE BAD COPS!!!

    2. I once worked with a guy whose father had just retired from the NYPD. When I praised his old man’s bravery and marveled at his ability to survive a career as a cop in NYC, he shut me down saying “No, you don’t get it, you don’t understand what cops really do. Cops just show up after the dust has settled to fill out the paperwork and help clean up the mess.”

      1. The Venezuelan gang was using the apartment complex for child sex. Duh! That’s the reason the cops were told to stand-down by the politicians. You can’t interfere with their replacement of Epstein’s island …

    1. “Cenk has to be on the patriots side, gotta be a Judas Goat or something. Him and AOC .”

      He’s a racist POS, and not very bright. Douglas Murray took him apart over Hamas…had him screaming obscenities on camera.

  2. That POLICE work for politicians….has been obvious & glaringly so since COVID.
    Particularly when it comes to “protecting” trans woke garbage, middle eastern hordes, Horse Trampling the elderly & destroying bouncy Castles.

    Things will heat up with C-63

  3. Calgary PD Covid take down of Pastor Art P on Blackfoot Trail did it for me. Whether they were right or wrong in the arrest, it how they did it, swat style.
    High River flood gun confiscations.

  4. FI watched and tried to stop the police as they set up their own cop cars to be burned on camera and then almost got “kettled” for continued watching while allowing their operatives to commit mayhem and escape during the G20 in Toronto. It became obvious.

    There are “Auditors” all over North America and Great Britian who daily show how stupid, corrupt and violent our over-paid police are.

    Defund the police.

          1. “Earned” it stomping old women into pavement.
            Earned it shooting Ashli Babbitt in the face.
            Earned it being the boot on the face, fair and square.
            Earned it watching and keeping your mouth shut makes you stupid and complicit.

  5. The police are not your friend.. The less you say to them the better..

    As for the new GANG in town.. Should they roll in and put them into a choke hold?.. The M.O is established.. The police pull up and 100 people come out, phone in hand for a break dance competition.. A complete scht show..

  6. “So you got some tickets and are now miffed, eh?”
    Yeah, poor babies, eh?

    All cops let all other cops off all tickets always, eh?

    1. You failed to answer my question. WHO told the officers to leave the cars there?

      Try using a few brain cells.

      1. “WHO told the officers to leave the cars there?”
        Yeah, that’s the point, YEARS of investigating that and none of you dropped a dime.

        Nuremberg defense and everyone else is “stupid”

  7. How the f### do you watch David Menzies get beat up 5 times by “frontline cops” and call people names for noticing?

  8. Cops are a necessary evil.
    I think in the “Big City” they are more necessary and more evil.
    Kind of a Catch 22.

    As for gangs taking over an apartment building – that might be tactics beyond Baker and Poncherello or the SWATies. Just pay some Operators.

  9. Cops have to be monitored and controlled like any other employee. Punished for wrong doing and not be allowed to hide behind the badge. No unqualified immunity from anything.
