37 Replies to “More Pavilions At Folkfest”

    1. It cannot be hate speech when it is in reaction to Islamic hate speech and disinformation (about “genocide” and hundreds of thousands of children killed and starving). Utter rubbish. Hence it should be permitted to counteract the lying HATE speech by the pro-“Palestinian” protestors.

      PS … the kaffiya is just another swastika. Ans the kaffiya wrapped tightly around that FAT girls head is the most offensive swastika since Charlottesville

  1. It is good to see REAL Canadians standing up for the country, and it is good to see push back against the constant takeover of our city’s streets and campuses, but it does sadden me that it has to come down to this.
    Events like this confrontational clash between cultures leads me to conclude that there can only be one resolution to this crisis, and that isn’t the outcome I would want to see occur.
    I would rather see a peaceful resolution, but after witnessing events over the past year, it’s looking more and more like the opposite is not only inevitable, but necessary if this evil is to be stopped.
    If people want to “speak for the Palestinians in Gaza” because “they have no voice of their own” which is laughable, considering all the fawning media coverage, then have the courage and the decency to take off those face-covering Keffiyehs, stop promoting hate and cultural genocide, and renounce your violent actions that are clearly illegal. Finally, show some respect for our country and our society, which is founded on freedom and peaceful co-existence. Leave your backwater hatred behind. When you come to Canada, you respect OUR laws, and OUR culture, or you get the hell out, and go back where you came from. You are not welcome here.

  2. Islam is incompatible with liberal democracy.. Its a hard fact.. Nowhere is this not the case.. If you think Canada is going to be the first.. You are a moron..

  3. That…. that….. that was College Street. In Toronto.

    What bizarro world are we even living in right now?

      1. don’t forget who brought this filth into Canada, none other than the prancing prince of papineau, and he continues with the importation of 5000 people from Gaza

    1. Lick
      It’s in front of the Israeli consulate, so University ave.
      I’ll be going by there later this month, as I have an appointment at Mt Sinai.

      1. Best wishes, GYM. I know we don’t get along, but I hope that whatever it is ailing you, that you quickly recover, and I hope you don’t mind if I say a prayer for your welfare. I know you don’t take too kindly to that sort of thing, but like it or not, I will be offering a prayer for your better health.

          1. Gym, I had a life-saving operation at Mount Sinai, for sarcoma cancer, nine years ago. Great people there, welcoming a senior like me from New Brunswick. The hospital witnessed a rough anti-Jewish demonstration on its property a number of months ago. God speed with your visit

      2. The Israel consulate is at Bloor Street and Yonge Street, not on University Avenue.

        Previous to that it was at 180 Bloor Street West near Avenue Road. I know that because I had a specialist (doctor) in that building more than a decade ago, who had to move his office due to protesters refusing to allow patients in and threatening us.

      3. GYM — best wishes for your appointment; hope all goes well.

        Sadly, my autism won’t let the location issue go. The video is on College St W, a little west of University. Looks like the camera is at about the intersection of College and McCaul. The cream-coloured brick building at the right is the Stewart Building at 149 College; the concrete building with all the windows to the right is the U of T Health Sciences Building at 155 College. Also, note the streetcar tracks in the street — University does not have streetcars.

        Dunno if this Google Maps link will work, but I think the video was taken from about here:


        I’m one of those people who watches movies and gets excited when I recognize familiar locations. I’ve not yet been diagnosed.

  4. It’s time to take back Canada these Islamic bastards should be sent back to the country they came from! Finally a Canadian standing up for his Country !

  5. Kate is an angry racist bitch.

    [Kate is also a vindictive bitch, who found 170 of your troll comments posted under 170 different names and sent them to spam heaven. – ED]

    1. LOL…I guess there’s lots of us angry racist bitches, of all two genders, across the country.

      So tell us, when can we expect you to relocate to an islamic shithole country? Need financial assistance to do so because I will gladly help you out with that.

    2. You’re an Idiot Harold! Kate provides truthful blogs and it reflects us in the West! We have had with people being imported into Canada to change our culture!

    3. Harold H. You must be a member of the Canadian United National Trudeau Socialist party. At least you seem to be one.

  6. I guess Canadians are tired of being colonized.
    Maybe they’ll start land acknowledgements in Toronto recognizing its European, Christian heritage.
