13 Replies to “Saturday On Turtle Island”

      1. I’m not sure winning is any longer an option. The mind virus that permits what has gone on for the last sixteen years may not even permit you and I to survive.

  1. 2020-2022

    Things I saw that I’ll never forget – shades of what my dad went through during WWII and what he told me as a 12 yr old that I Never forgot.

    I Guess it just floored me when right at the beginning of the PsyOP, you had video coming from China, showing groups of seemingly perfectly healthy 20 somethings, instantly & most conveniently dropping dead in front of an iPhone….it was that and the later reports of the 2 Quarantined ships in mid 2020…that had me totally skeptical from the git go.

    DAVID MARTINS deposition to Reiner Fuellmich sealed the deal.
    But try to inform your family..? Friends..?

    1. You Can Lead a Horse to Water, but You Can’t Make Him Think.
      It split our family right down the middle. The crap that degreed healthcare professionals will believe is amazing.

    1. Islamic Infiltrators,
      This Shite has ZERO Business even being allowed to Vote, let alone sit as MP’s.
      They are NOT your Friends.

      They are here as Conqueror’s….AS they are throughout the Western Hemisphere.

      1. If “Justice” Minister Arif Virani’s Bill C-63 gets passed you won’t be able to say such things without being silenced permanently, fined and probably jailed.

        It already passed 1st reading.
