64 Replies to “September 7, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. Under Kameladeeda’s climate plan … “the cost of gas appliances would necessarily skyrocket.” Hmmmmm ? Where have I heard that before?

      BTW … Sam Kinison portrayed a far more believable “woman” … than that trans-activist-screamer portrayed a believable “man”.

    1. In 1976 I was shocked that the seatbelt beeper was annoying that the dealer had the wires cut so no more annoyance. Seatbelts weren’t yet required although I always used them on the highway but never in town..

      1. You took the words right out of my mouth. You can dip that shit right out of Clear Creek, upstream from the brewery.

  1. Good Zero Hedge article on how Biden-Harris opened southern border to illegal immigration:

    Here in the boonies of New Brunswick, we’ve had a sharp uptick in population, along with associated increases in housing prices and wpartment rents. But in Fredericton, we’ve seen a sharp rise in vizmin immigrants, with kids in school and taking over inskilled, minimum wage jobs.

    1. This is evident Right across Canada.
      Thank Liberal insistence on IMPORTING Whole sale lots of migrants … how many in the past 3-4 yrs..??
      3-4 Million…many of whom are given Asylum $$ – 82k TAX dollars Annually
      add in LMIA etc….well, you get the drift.

  2. Columbia Protester Who Demanded ‘Humanitarian Aid’ For Anti-Israel Occupiers Now Teaches Mandatory Undergrad Class

    A Columbia University doctoral student who demanded “humanitarian aid” for anti-Israel occupiers during a spring semester protest is set to teach a mandatory class this semester, according to National Review.

    Johanna King-Slutzky advocated for the university to provide “aid” to students who f0rcefully occupied a campus building as part of wider anti-Israel protests. She will teach “Contemporary Western Civilization” this fall and the class will be held at the Hamilton Hall, the same building the protesters took over…

    1. I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news.

      The good news is the Liberal government of the country says it has the solution!
      The bad news is their solution is Medical Assistance in Dying for lots of us Old Stock Canadians.

      Ok. It’s all bad news… 🙁

  3. Travis Kelce’s team call in lawyers over leaked ‘contract’ that claimed to reveal the exact date his relationship with Taylor Swift would end: Fake PR ‘strategy document’ spread online gave illusion their year-long love story was a sham

  4. NONE of Britain’s attack submarines are at sea: ‘Utterly dire’ state of the Royal Navy is laid bare in shocking figures – as US subs are ‘called in to protect UK’s “bomber” fleet’

    Jeremy Hunt slams Labour’s ‘reckless’ plans to cut defence spending in the upcoming budget – urging that the fragile global climate demands security reassurances

  5. Van driver who smuggled seven ‘desperate’ migrants on verge of suffocation into the UK in back of a lorry is jailed for 10 years

    A van driver has been jailed for 10 years after he was found guilty of smuggling seven ‘desperate’ migrants in a hidden compartment.

    Anas Al Mustafa, 43, was convicted after six men and one woman crammed into a concealed space ‘the width of a human chest’ in the van and were discovered screaming for help when they began to suffocate…

  6. Identity of teenager accused of stabbing 15-year-old schoolgirl Elianne Andam to death at bus stop is revealed for the first time as he turns 18

    The teenager accused of stabbing 15-year-old school girl Elianne Andam at a bus stop in South London can be named and pictured for the first time as he turns 18.

    Hassan Sentamu is charged with murdering Elianne on Wellesley Road, near the Whitgift Centre, at around 8.30am on Wednesday, September 27, 2023. Sentamu was 17 at the time, so could not legally be named…
