10 Replies to “Thumb On The Scale”

    1. Indeed. If you think the Dems won’t use any and all fraudulent tactics that worked so well in the last election, you’re in for a nasty surprise.

      It’s not the people who vote that counts, it’s the people who count the votes.

      I predict that Kamala will get more “votes” than Biden’s “record amount”.

  1. “Polls pointing to a Kamala Harris victory appear to be skewed by including too many Democrat voters”

    They should predict the result pretty well then, since the casting and counting of votes is similarly skewed.

  2. It takes a deft hand to answer a democratic poll with answers that further the poll takers desires without appearing to lie and I’ve been doing it for years that is why I take no notice of polls. It is a little private joke I have now that I’m retired, somewhat akin to the senior who berates the cop writing the tickets and sticking them on the windshield of the car and then the senior climbs on the bus.

  3. Re polling: given the Democrats proclivity for law-fare, IRS audits, etc. why would any citizen tell a pollster they supported an opposition politician?

  4. Should Trump win, prepare yourselves for the biggest election denial outrage ever. The Dems are shameless.

  5. Vote JOY !!! Love is Love !! Joy is happiness !!

    Who hasn’t said … “all I want for my children is for them to be HAPPY … to have JOY !! They don’t ned an education. They don’t need a slaving job. They don’t need a car … or a home … all they need is their “Art” … and JOY !! And Happiness !!

    They’ll have NOTHING and be Joyful !! Probably making TikTok videos … praying that someone “likes” them
