55 Replies to “Where There’s A Will There’s A Way”

    1. According to recent polls, Singh was/is supporting the worst, most disliked prime minister in Canadian history. There’s a price to be paid for enabling the Trudeau Liberals to destroy all the things that matter to Canadian voters. It is the old “if you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.” saying. The Canadian media and previously respected Canadian government institutions are learning the same lesson. The Trudeau Liberal government infects, corrupts and degrades everything it touches.

      1. lm the guy watched ‘nations business’ 13 yrs age.
        been watching the ottawa elites since then 6 decades.
        he is indescribably, because we have not realized the extent of the permanent damage, utterly by far and away, far behind all the rest the *same way* he out’spent’ the rest (its actually MORE DEBT).
        worst we will ever have because he might have in 100 years put us on a path to dissolution.

        1. It will take awhile to undo the damage the Trudeau Liberal-NDP government did to Canada. The saving grace is that Canada has lots of things to sell that the world wants, if only we could get the boot of government off of our neck. Government spending can be radically reduced quite quickly because so much tax money is currently being wasted and stolen (see Argentina for how to cut spending). Immigration, foreign students and foreign workers can be paused and then reduced back to sane numbers.

          Will it be enough to prevent an economic crisis? I hope so but, tbh, I’m probably not sticking around to find out. We can retire elsewhere and have a significantly higher standard of living compared to living in Canada. I didn’t vote for the Trudeau (or any Liberal or NDP) government so I don’t feel obligated to stay here to pay high taxes, high prices and wait in long lines for substandard health care.

    1. I confess I didn’t see it specifically myself – I did see it, EVERYBODY did, but I didn’t grasp the significance. I read an article then, don’t remember who wrote it, that said inflation and all costs in Canada (but specifically food, gas and housing) spiralling out of control, was what was going to put an end to Little Potato and his junta. And this makes a great deal of sense.

      I noted a long time ago that our guvmints, LIE-beral and CON-servative, have spent decades and $billions of our tax dollars putting the Canadian voter to sleep and keeping us there – and now we only wake-up angry or hungry (or both), and we only vote out. So the constant “pay-more-for-EVERYTHING” we find in our daily lives, has woken the Canadian voter up – and in the process, has caused lots of voters to notice Potato’s gaffes, blunders, virtue-signals, apologies, $100 ethics violation fines, manic focus on irrelevances, corruptions, hypocrisies and blatant “couldn’t-care-less”isms about what his voters are going through. And it helps that in this election cycle, unlike the last two, there’s somebody else to vote for.

      In essence, Potato’s chickens are coming home to roost, and they’re numerous, big, fat and really heavy. And Dogmeat’s payback for propping Potato up since the last election, was baked-into-the-cake and has been a long time coming.

  1. Of course, Trudeau and Singh are disastrous scoundrels but I am curious what SDA’ers think about Poilievre? Imagine he gets a massive majority government. Do you believe he will do anything substantial to correct & improve Canada?

        1. I think a good analogy is that the turd is taking a wrecking ball to the country, and that the CPC will simply stop swinging it quite as hard or as often.

        1. Tell me when he said he’d get rid of the carbon tax. The last I heard him say on the subject was he opposed the latest increase, not that he opposed the tax.

          1. Poilievre has said it many times – look it up. Mind you, everybody who was there remembers Johnny Cretin saying “Read my lips – we will scrap the GST!”

            Another short trip down memory Lane. When Lyin’ Brian took-over as PM, he stood-up a blue-ribbon commission, headed by then-hottie Perrin Beatty, to review “Taxation in Canada”. Everybody knew why – Lyin’ Brian was wondering how much more he could gouge. The conclusions of the commission were that Canadians were taxed to the hilt, and any further taxation would trigger serious resistance and black-marketeering. And yet, here we are.

            Anybody seen a thousand-dollar bill lately? And curious why the guvmint did-away with them? Too handy for paying tradesmen under the table, to avoid taxes…

          2. Below is a Poilievre letter to Justin Cockwomble urging the elimination of the tax on heating. It say nothing about automotive, airplane and marine fuels, not to mention coal-fired generation. Am I missing something?

            29 October 2023

            Right Hon. Justin Trudeau P.C., M.P. Prime Minister of Canada
            80 Wellington Street
            Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2

            Dear Prime Minister Trudeau,

            You have now admitted that your carbon tax is not worth the cost. In pausing the tax on home heating oil until after the election, however, you plan to keep the tax on lower-emitting natural gas heat for which bills will be jumping even further in mere weeks as it gets colder.

            There is no way to justify applying taxes on cleaner sources of heat especially when half of Canadians are living $200 away from insolvency and nearly two million have used a food bank in a single month, the highest figure ever recorded.

            That is why common sense Conservatives are offering our full cooperation to pass an emergency bill tomorrow to axe the carbon tax on all forms of heat before winter heat bills hit Canadians next month.

            You have now flip flopped and admitted taxing heat will not help the environment. You must be consistent and keep the heat on and take the tax off now for all Canadians.

            Please contact me today to make arrangements to pass legislation axing the tax on all forms of home heating tomorrow.


            Hon. Pierre Poilievre, MP Leader of the Official Opposition

          3. Not asleep, just living in a country far, far away. I keep on eye on things on the homefront as best I can.

    1. “I am curious what SDA’ers think about Poilievre?” He’s a lawyer and a career politician. On the plus side, he’s not #ShinyPony.

      “Do you believe he will do anything substantial to correct & improve Canada?”

      I believe if he doesn’t, then the schlitz will well and truly hit the fan around here. If, for example, they are still doing catch-and-release in Toronto a year after the election, things might get exciting, shall we say.

      It is my hope that Mr. Poilievre can read what is written in letters of fire three miles tall, floating in the skies above Canada. But the #Pony can’t read, so he may not either. We shall see, I suppose.

      1. Phantom,
        In response to your curiosity, here is one man’s thoughts on PP.
        He is, indeed, a career politician that has lived in the “academic/political” tower all his adult life.
        He did a “makeover” from nerdy policy wonk scold to slick punny arrogant guy.
        He overplays some of his witticisms, like “wacko” and “sellout Singh” etc. rather than acting like an adult statesman, which we sorely need.
        He is evasive on core issues, which some people think is because he is not showing his hand until elected, but I have doubts.
        He evaded the trucker convoy support until it was safe, threw Leslyn under the bus, insulted Christine Anderson, and similar compromising actions
        In short, I don’t see him as the real answer to our plight.
        I hope to be stood corrected.

        1. I have not met the man, but his reliance on corny soundbites is not a plus I must say. I understand -why- he’s doing it, he’s punching the media in the face with slogans because they work for the enemy.

          Unfortunately when I see him talk these days, mostly I see him mouthing slogans. They’re not very good ones. “Axe the tax,” Do we really need rhymes to bore into the lazy public consciousness? Contempt for the audience is not what one wants to see in a populist politician.

          On the other hand, the one where he’s eating an apple and destroying the reporter was excellent. I could like some more of that, please.

          Ultimately, politicians are not the answer to what ails Canada. Canadians will have to seize politicians by the lapels and head-butt them into doing what’s right for the population instead of whatever insane Marxism they’re doing now. Starting with a truly sweeping tax cut. From federal to local, government needs their budgets cut by 80%. That’s just for a start.

          1. As long as he fears the words Islamophobe, homophobe, racist, denier, misogynist, not much will change.

            See Danielle smith.

          2. I enjoyed him beating up Mark Carney on that parliamentary zoom call a few years back.

        2. Er, I’m the slick punny arrogant guy around here. Pierre is slick, PUNY, and arrogant, or so I believe you wish to present him. Frankly, he’d improve with more puns, especially if they replaced the slogans.

    2. I want to believe he’ll raise hell but we’ll see. He seems unafraid of the press so far and that’s key.

    3. Only if he swiftly implements Harper’s “secret agenda”. Probability near zero but not nil.

      I’ll never vote again until someone campaigns on a serious plan to retaliate against Trudeau and his supporters sevenfold for everything they’ve done , starting with using every weapon they pulled out against them right up to beheading and hanging them all from posts.

    4. There’s a lot of expectations from the voters.
      Gut the CBC, mortally preferred.
      Axe the Tax.
      Mandatory minimums.
      End the “safe” hard drug nonsense.
      Fiscal sanity.
      Drill baby drill.
      Reverse all the Liberal censorship bills, including the FB news ban.
      Pipelines Yes.
      Tall orders for sure. He better do most of these or else he’s a one term asterisk in history.

    5. I don’t think it is physically possible for the CPC to do much other than pick some low hanging fruit if they form government. The Senate, the Supreme Court and the Public Service are too liberal (and Liberal) and will block/delay/study-to-death anything meaningful. The bureaucracy needs to be cleaned out more than the House of Commons.

  2. Jugderp is a WEF stooge… So is Juthtin the Turdhole….

    They are two turds floating in the same punch bowl, until their boss Klaus anal Schwab says otherwise.

    The Liberal/NDP Globalists must have seen these polls and decided it was best for Jugderp to pretend he no longer supported the corrupt Liberal/NDP Government he has been part of and has kept in power.

    A feckless bigoted POS of a human being.

    Khalistan awaits, dipshit.

  3. Quebec is the only province smart enough to actually have a federal party that is there to protect the interests of the province. TROC would rather protect the interests of the feds.

  4. People who vote for Jagoff and the Turd are still a substantial number.
    We need a cull.

  5. Nobody likes the #Pony, but nobody likes a turncoat either. Not staying bought is considered worse than being bought in the first place.

    #Meety probably knows that, and is dodging something much, much more damaging. Like actual treason, one might speculate. He wouldn’t want to get splashed with that.

    #Twitchy the malignant goblin admitted there’s some Chicom-related games going on today, so #Meety made sure to make his move first. Nothing to do with #Meety, he don’t support no Liebrals.

  6. I disagreed with the premise. “Jonathan Kay says…” is not a voice I would trust.

    Why listen to controlled opposition?

    1. I’m not sure how controlled he his. I wouldn’t want to have to do his laundry.

      Look, I don’t want to be mean to Jonathan Kay. I don’t think he’s a bad guy at all. He seems honest, well-intentioned, and smart. He’s just so far out to lunch that the catering trucks can’t get wifi. On those rare occasions when he comes to terms with the real world, he’s worth reading. And the bus from that stop over there is worth catching. If it shows up.

  7. Trudeau lost the plot and Jag really is a sellout.. Sick of both of their faces.. What’s left of Canada needs new and very different leadership..

  8. by the ‘numb’ers. and we are ‘numb’ from 9 years hard core liberalism.
    speaking of hard core the hard core end de-pee seems to have increased from 15% in 70s 80s to now 20%.

    that only took half a century. whoopdie doo. at least the ‘.45 calibre hollow point to the head’ equivalent of them running the country one day . . . . is a ways off.
    at this rate looks like l wont suffer those heady days.

  9. Dare I hope that a lot of people are smartening up? Or if the Libs somehow did a DNC quiet coup and slipped a new leader in, all would be forgiven?

  10. Honest question here…and maybe I’m far out in the barrens with this… Does the timing of Comrade Singh’s announcement to “rip up” his agreement with the liberales not seem suspiciously coincidental after Trudeau’s announcement to cap student immigrant visas? Just wondering if anyone else thought of this.

    1. Could be the Binding Arbitration that the NDP gets tarred with? or the cap on student immigration, or the ending of TFW programs, including the caregiver programs.

  11. At best I think he may stop digging – the first step to getting out of a hole. I seriously doubt the majority of Canadians have the stomach for what needs to be done to actually get out of the hole. To many are swayed by ” free ” benefits and useless government jobs with generous pensions. The civil service still considers Harper worse than Trump. And they press will be relentless.

    1. an anecdote; advertised 2 related labourer kijiji jobs $25 hour cash pd end of the day for those hours. l estimated the jobs wd take min 8 hours but assured however long same deal.
      about 7 of them gave the ‘take me take me take me’ route and BAILED at the appointed time. are Cdns afraid of hard work like concrete fabricating?

      so, looks like this 73 yr old once again needs to do it myself, kneeling down, slogging the sand gravel portland and water; lm glad l can because the end results are on a modest single story (5 1/2 bedroom) older ‘starter’ home but loads of extras for the lucky buyer.

  12. Conservative governments face immediate opposition in Ottawa. The civil service are liberals and vote in a block. They run interference from the inside – like leaking to the press.

    The Senate is nearing 100% librano. Expect little cooperation from them.

    The SCC is stacked with liberal judges.

    Little changes in Ottawa. Maybe the stealing slows down for awhile, and probably a few bills will get overturned but the laurentians have a pretty tight reign on things. Swamps don’t get drained.

  13. I keep getting letters from PP and his wife looking for donations. I fill out the enclosed literature and tell him when he apologizes for Christine Anderson, I will consider donating to them again. But, like a Politician, I am lying. Have no use for any of the parasites.

    1. l forgot about that. jeezuz murphy. yo, PP, any chance a lot of Canaduhians some point in the future when they have to start memorizing sharia law that maaaaaaaaybe theyre going to privately be thinking ‘shoulda paid attention to Ms Anderson’?
      hmmm ? isnt that how history and politics works? some thing that take generations are so entrenched, they cannot be undone? hmmm? what are the odds of ‘undoing’ the invocation of ‘portions’ of sharia? hmmm?

    2. Standing by and doing nothing while our civil rights were violated in 2020, voting to make the Proud Boys terrorists, applauding that NAZI…

    3. GRM

      I do something similar when the Cons come calling for donations except with a different question…

      “Will a Conservative Government declare the WEF and WHO as terrorist organizations?”

    4. Getting up to three emails a day from the so called conservatives, begging, begging and begging.
      Not ordinary begging, they have people that went to school for a long time and use down to earth language to reach the pedestrian of whom they think the need to be emotionally scarred it the don’t comply.
      Some of the begging is completely idiotic, like talking to a infant, stupid.

    5. GRM,
      As I noted above, PP slagging Christine and Leslyn killed it for me.
      Christine said what he is, and she is right.

  14. Not speaking to the press is a good idea. They want to destroy PP. Will anything change? Probably not. I don’t think he will have that much power, and to totally drain the swamp and do what is needed to help get Canada back well, it wouldn’t be possible to do that in one term and he most likely won’t get another.

  15. Let’s analyze this.

    The graph is encouraging.
    How many of Canadian women have they asked. Key to the reality of the electorate.
    Most of the women are still infatuated with the idiot, don’t matter what.

    The en dee pee is in somewhat better position relative to their socialist extremism. Are 16% of Canadians so evil that they would consider voting for the extremists? Guessing here that it may be less than in some other ‘advanced’ places.

    Poilievre have promised to cut CeeBeeCee. Would go out on a limb and say, not gonna happen. He is keeping the CeeBeeCee for Q’bec. Not a promising start.
    While he sounds very good in the parliament and many of the interviews, it is rather easy to shoot the shit if you can’t do anything about it. It is another thing altogether to do those stated things in real life conditions of a country where civil servants don’t actually have to go to work, where immigrants of all sorts get free stuff in numbers that makes ordinary Canadian born look poor in comparison.
    And many Canadians, perhaps majority, being ignorant of the deficit, the debt, the spending don’t really give a damn as long as the free stuff flows freely.

    The only real question is, how long will the country survive before the payment comes due.

  16. And? So what?

    Jughead’s media maneuver, telling people he is going to weasel out of his contract with the evil Trudeau, means nothing, polling always tells us that half of the polled are nasty national socialists.

    Little canadians need to feel the pain of their idiotic choices, but unfortunately they will likely learn the wrong lesson.
