22 Replies to “An Amazon Sabotage Goes Horribly Wrong”

  1. I ain’t no leftist, in fact the furthest from it, but I’m here to tell you that the Billionaire class are not the friends of Western Civilization.

    1. “Corporate” Statism is still STATISM.

      Just as “national” socialism and “International sicialism” are still just part of the death cult of socialism.

        1. Actually, it’s the inverse. Instead of the state controlling the corporations, the corporations controlling the state. Doesn’t work for everyone though. E.g., Energy BAD. Make believe energy GOOD.

      1. The song remains the same. I’m surprised we still have to remind people of this but most are slow on the uptake.

    2. Well, there are some exceptions. When I look at the foundations of companies that built this nation, Fords, Rockefellers, Kelloggs and so on, something went wrong.

    3. The billionaire class in 1924 might have been somewhat right-wing.

      The billionaire class in 2024 is overwhelmingly left-wing.

      The only billionaire is is even slightly right of center Musk, and they are doing everything in their power to bring him down.

  2. Bezos is probably worried that a Trump regime might suddenly decide to take a look at the predatory behaviours of Amazon Web Services

  3. Nice title.. The botched assassination of Trump left diaper paints with no reason to be.. Instead of stability and healing we got boobies and a (sort of) WOC.. Plan B..

  4. I’m sure Amazon will say it was a mistake. BUT, this is blatant brand manipulation and CAN be addressed in civil court. Imagine if there was a book entitled “The Importance of the Planned Parenthood Organization” and the cover Amazon used was that of a cute little toddler. I wonder how that might turn out.

    1. It’s funny how all these “mistakes” only seem to damage conservatives but never the filthy progs (communists really).

    1. Because the fix is in, Amazon neither expects nor fears consequences, except those for displeasing the not going anywhere regime.

  5. Go to the purchase page for the book on Amazon and leave a negative review for shopping experience. The whole site runs on reviews. Enough negative reviews and it will get changed. It’s clearly done on purpose. The magazine cover that’s been put in place of the book cover isn’t even available yet on the magazine’s website.

  6. Just checked Amazon.ca and it shows the wrong cover as well. Interesting too is the note saying this product is not allowed to be reviewed. I think a shame tweet from Elon might be in order.
