20 Replies to “Dead Woke”

  1. Salt, pepper, garlic, onion, paprika. That’s every penzey’s overpriced blend right there.

    Be a shame if someone were to test their organic fair trade cinnamon for lead.

  2. Conservatives have surrendered to the Liberal “reality doesn’t matter” world in every way for decades now.

    The Nuts have taken over because the Less Nuts are feeble, feckless, phony and completely inept.

    If the Opposition Conservatives are not part of the Uniparty they should be.

    Joe Bftsplk has more success. As did the 62 Mets and the 24 Sox.

    The noose is tightening. Party on.

    Worry when the Libs start signing up crematorium door holders.

    Or maybe it will be the SSS.

    The Syringe Schutzstaffel!

  3. Expectations?.. Everything sucks, why should football not?.. The owners want new fans.. Just as our politicians want new voters.. Phony baloney?.. You betcha!..

  4. a suggestion to the sda filter: ‘f off’ youre no better than any of these
    censorous powah cystem boyz

    [To anon: when you write like an incoherent spam bot, the spam system will treat you like an incoherent spam bot. And I’m not fixing it, either. -ED]

  5. Penzy’s sells very good spices.

    And they also hate everybody that isn’t a dyed in the wool Leftist.

    1. There are better choices, including “The Spice House” which is run by the Sister of the Lunatic Bill Penzey Jr., and ran a campaign the last time around with the discount code “NOPOLITICS” which gave everyone free shipping.

      The Spice house is also the original, being founded in 1957 by Bill Sr.

      1. Thanks for the info.
        Penzey’s, the Ben & Jerry’s of spices.
        I dried 36 – 12oz. Jars of basil, parsley, thyme, oregano, dill and rosemary last year. I never got around to translating that into Penzey dollars.

      2. I switched over to The Spice House in 2016 when Trump won and Bill Penzey nastily wrote off all his customers who were Trump voters.

  6. “what are the filter criteria? o,r,c is a guaranteed block ?”

    That’s the only one that I know of….anything containing those letters in sequence. Just do this: f0rce.

    (and you can thank Jessica for this inconvenience)

  7. The NFL threw their Republican fans under the bus long ago when they went BLM & started kneeling for the anthem. I stopped watching then, along w/ CFL, NBA & WNBA, among others. My question is, why are any right-leaning people still supporting the assholes who backstabbed them?

  8. People watch sport because it’s life in real time. The outcome is typically not fixed (FIFA and the Olympics excepted) and sometimes the champ gets knocked out. It’s entertainment.

    Politics is corruption in real time. The parties are all in and the only time there is a referee’s whistle is when there is an election…

  9. Never heard of them, and don’t care. Have been an amateur chef for 45 years since my high school days working part time in the restaurant industry, where I learned a thing or two about cooking, preparation and spices. Life skills!
    No one should be buying any Name Brand preparation, when all the ingredients you ever need are sitting in the fresh food aisle, or the raw spice aisle.
    Name brand preps are for suckers.

  10. How stupid can you be? Here’s hoping they are out of business after losing half their customers. I’m trying to stop my wife from throwing out a bunch of spices. That will hurt us not them, honey! LOL

  11. Wow! One would expect spices to bring the heat, not the hate. Just when you think we’ve reached peak stupidity, idiocy, or whatever…there’s always more.

  12. Penzeys’ told Republicans to F off 5 or 6 years ago, in a corporate statement telling Rs not to buy from them.
    Spice House is good for the odd spices. Gordon Food Service / GFS (US) has cheap, good quality spices in 8 to 16 oz packages.

    I found a good source for Mideastern spices and blends like Zatar at nyshuk.com , a Jewish owned company specializing in Jerusalem based cuisine spices.
    Decent prices, quick shipping, good quality. I bought at retail from them.
