Keir Starmer’s Britain

Where the foxes caper unmolested, the government packs your school lunch and the British Broadcasting Corporation has an Arabic language channel;

The BBC breached its own editorial guidelines more than 1,500 times during the height of the Israel-Hamas war, a damning report has found.

The report revealed a “deeply worrying pattern of bias” against Israel, according to its authors who analysed four months of the BBC’s output across television, radio, online news, podcasts and social media. […]

It also found that the BBC repeatedly downplayed Hamas terrorism while presenting Israel as a militaristic and aggressive nation.

It claimed that some journalists used by the BBC in its coverage of the Israel-Gaza conflict have previously shown sympathy for Hamas and even celebrated its acts of terror.

The report claims that a number of BBC reporters have shown extreme hostility to Israel, including BBC Arabic contributor Mayssaa Abdul Khalek, who is said to have called for “death to Israel” and defended a journalist who tweeted: “Sir Hitler, rise, there are a few people that need to be burned.”

It also accuses Marie-Jose Al Azzi, a Lebanese reporter, of being anti-Israel after she reportedly described the country as a “terrorist apartheid state” in a post that was subsequently deleted.

Jeremy Bowen, the BBC’s international editor, is accused of excusing Hamas’s terrorist activities and comparing Israel to Putin’s Russia, while Lyse Doucet, the BBC’s chief international correspondent, is also cited for allegedly “downplaying” the October 7 attacks on Israel.

The report singles out the BBC’s Arabic channel, saying that it is one of the most biased of all global media outlets in its treatment of the Israel-Hamas conflict.


7 Replies to “Keir Starmer’s Britain”

  1. The replacement of the population in Britain by immigrants from third world Islamic countries is nearly complete. It beggars the belief that the country which stood so strongly against the Nazis during WWII has completely and totally capitulated to illegal immigration to the point where it will become a vassal state of the Islamic Caliphate. Britain may become the next Muslim country with a fully operational offensive nuclear missile system.

  2. The vaccine is safe and effective.. Global warming is real and man made.. You know you are only as good as the experts you choose to fund and cite.. The bias is baked in.. Laundered..

    It sits like a loaded gun, waiting.. A weather event, hit the global warming button.. The flu, hit the big pharma button.. Israel, hit the genocide button..

    Think of it as prerecorded live news..

  3. BBC “News”
    Their coverage of the terrorists of gaza has been exactly what I’d expected.
    I see the BBC “News” site a few times each day to confirm their bias, its never let me down.

  4. I check out the BBC news website almost every day and I didn’t need a report to point out its bias against Israel and the israelis.
    The same goes for anti mass immigration critics, covid shot skeptics, and all things Trumpish and Republican to name a few.
    In other words, it’s your typical woke, progtard e-rag.
    (As a bonus, I came across this headline today: Kamala Harris has thrived in debates — will her tactics work on Trump.)

  5. What starts as multiculturalism ends in Islamic Jihad. ABC, BBC, and the CBC are the alphabet networks of useful idiots of the Jihad. If the CBC weren’t a little concerned for their future under the Conservatives, they too would no-doubt be planning for an Arabic channel. With free speech now dead and the state on the side of Jihad, push-back by the people in the UK, thanks to gun control, could be quite feudal in nature.

  6. We were visiting relatives in England a while back and were told by them that uncontrollable immigration was changing the England they knew! The rule that allowed any and all people of the Commonwealth entery was the problem! Recently I took heart seeing how “The Far Right” boys were angered by the senseless killings of children!
    Don’t worry England is not dead yet “Jack”!

    1. But it soon will be because the regular folks will not resist the coming conquest in sufficient numbers, especially given they are essentially un armed and TPTB are arrayed against them.
