26 Replies to “More Pavilions At Folkfest”

    1. The proper residents of Springfield need to have a Long Pig Roast every Sunday until the illegals are invisible.

  1. Springfield is not the only jurisdiction with this.
    “Look over there, free meat”
    See also, “all cultures are equal”
    See also, when the US Army surveyed the Haitians in the 50’s to see which sort of army jobs these folks could do, and realized that the average Haitian’s IQ is below what the US Army considered a minimum for being taught repeatable tasks.

    I think it’s an eye opener that the gov’t of Dominican Republic seems to be the only ones who understand that it’s best to keep the Haitians on the other side of the fence.

    Familiarity breeds contempt and they’ve just seen this idiocy close up.

  2. Does anyone think that the political scum cares?
    Like the guy said, they get their hundred thousand and could care less about what’s going on in the place.
    There is an example in electrical junction, the power will go with the wire that has the least of resistance.
    The politicians don’t need to care about a damn thing save for getting reelected. Period.
    All the flowery language, the ‘feel good’ yap, the ‘caring’ is nothing but bullshit for public consumption.

    Somehow, for some reason it appears as though the low life politicians, once they get in the office get taken over by the fixed swamp of the bureaucracy and completely and utterly lose the sense of why is it that they got there and what are they supposed to do.

    One would think that the low life siting around the pompous arch get people every day that tell them the same as that gentleman. As you can observe, in every case they, the low life politicians will politely thank the speaker an that is the end of the story.
    They don’t ever try to argue, it is true though that they have no argument against real life, it is impossible for them the say anything that would make any sense to normal person.

    However unpractical this sounds, it seems that the only way to get these low life to do anything rational, is limit to their term, however long could be decided.
    Even if one does not like more and more laws to limit peoples lives, those politicians should be held accountable and should be mede to pay for their idiotic decisions and go to prison if they committed crime, which thing could be the easiest thing to do.

  3. 20,000 Haitians imported by Biden-Harris … Harris, the border czar … into a small city, the size of my own city!?

    So … Dearborn, MI has become “little Somalia” … and now, Springfield, OH has become “little Haiti”? Not sure I would be proud of either of those designations … unless you enjoy being – replaced.

  4. There’s a black guy grabbing tame ducks and leaving with them ( not sure if he’s Haitian) at the mouth of the credit river in JC Saddington Park in Mississauga, ON.
    My friend has pics.

      1. One off the top of my head was “Encino Man.” They bring a caveman back to life and he pretends to eat the dog.

          1. I just thought of another one. The Mandalorian… that Yoda looking thing eats some guy’s cargo while enroute. I see a common thread….the perpetrators don’t know any better. Next thing you know they’ll be shitting on the beach.

    1. Happened in 1973 on University of Waterloo campus. A Cambodian refugee/student nabbed a Canada goose, cooked and ate it because no one had ever explained they were protected (and the geese absolutely overrun the campus).

  5. They voted for immigration. They never imagined that this is how they would be presented with the bill.

  6. I recognize the speaker, he’s the head of the English department at U of Ill. Springfield.
    There is an easy solution to this problem, buy Coleman camp stoves for the Haitians so they can cook the ducks, then let ’em set up camp in the city parks.
    Wasn’t Port at prince once described as “The Paris of the Caribbean”?

    I hate to see a brother bitchin’ about another brother. Teach ’em to rap, bro.
