15 Replies to “NPC Reprogramming”

  1. So, Neocon Warhawk, WMD advocate and “war criminal” Tricky Dick Cheney is now a DeMarxist Icon, with all previous sins and crimes waved?
    Trump Derangement Syndrome is a KKKult.

  2. Keeping Forever War Inc. up and running is the point not which party he supports. This is why they hate and fear Trump. He’s an obstacle to permanent warfare.

  3. I understand why Cheney does not like Donald Trump. Cheney ratified the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, something he was constitutionally required to do, and was thrown under the bus for it.

    Now he’s returning the favour.

    1. I think you’re confusing Dick Cheney with Mike Pence
      Cheney was VP under GWB. He had nothing to do with the ratification of the 2020 election.

    2. So KM ,Until not long ago I was woefully ignorant of what was going on in Iraq. While Dick Cheney “served ” from 1975 to 2009 in various roles in the U.S. government, he also held high positions with Haliburton. This includes the time the period when he served as VP. At the same time the majority , if not all private contract for supplying food,security, camps oil services ect. were awarded to Haliburton. Nothing to see, move on. I will follow with a link as to why they hate DT so much. Do a little checking. At least they named him correctly!


        1. I can’t rid myself of the suspicion that a lot of the (maybe manufactured) hatred is because he stopped Hillary from her predestined birthright that almost all of them thought she’d get!

          Maybe also some sour grapes that we definitely dodged a bullet thereby…
