29 Replies to “Russia! Russia! Russia?”

  1. The woman can thrash talk all day, without interruption and say nothing.
    Her disinformation is just to attack those that don’t agree with her.
    You will notice that she is not interested in the actual disinformation on daily basis from the mass media cartel and from the presidential spox crew.

  2. There are a number of people I spoke to (who aren’t your run of the mill partisans) who are convinced that Jankowicz works for an alphabet agency. That’s why she continues to stay “relevant.” I’m not convinced. She seems dumber than a box of rocks and totally unaware of the perceptions she gives off. Plus, solid alphabet agency personnel do the exact opposite of her. They go out of their way not to draw attention to themselves.

    I have no doubt she is a political operative. But, I think her ties are to some of your more radical congress members. They likely fund her under the table, and have no idea how to truly run an operative. Just a guess, but it adds up if you look at her entire history.

    1. I believe you are correct.

      Take a look at her Twitter feed: https://x.com/wiczipedia Scroll down a bit and you’ll notice that most of her posts have < 10 comments. She is completely irrelevant except when the 3-letter agencies need her to be. Unclear if she is another puppet. I suspect so.

  3. The “TENET Media/ Lauren Chen thing has not gained momentum.
    Bret Weinstein is on to something here.
    Harris/Biden/Obama camp has made another desperate attempt to smear Chen, Rubin and Pool, and others.
    I have been waiting for their response. Perhaps it in their best interest to sit back and wait .

  4. Rubin and Pool issued statements, promptly.
    Though you’d never know it listening to the news, Tenet Media was working two angles. One activity was managing the distribution of “spin off” content” from popular right of center influencers, Rubin, Pool, Johnson …. This activity is
    not connected to the FARA complaint except by insinuation.

    A description of the second activity follows. It is the basis of the indictment of two people, the DOJ claims are Russians:
    “Garland added at the press conference: “These websites were designed to appear to American readers as if they were major U.S. news sites, like the Washington Post or Fox News, but in fact they were fake sites. They were filled with Russian government propaganda that had been created by the Kremlin to reduce international support for Ukraine, bolster pro-Russian policies and interests, and influence voters in the United States and in other countries. Internal documents of the Kremlin described the content as, ‘bogus stories disguised as newsworthy events.’ This malign influence campaign has been referred to as ‘doppelganger. From Legal Insurrection, a law website.

    In other words Tenet is accused of creating spoof, counterfeit websites promoting pro Russian content.

      1. It isn’t, or at least, it shouldn’t be, but you know as well as I do that there are two tiers of justice these days.

      2. I think it is questionable.
        Maybe Barnes will explain when he comes on tonight. As Barnes brought up, American news sites are currently owned by foreigners. Maybe its fraud or copyright infringement, but that’s not what they are accused of and that wouldn’t be federal.

      3. Well … I just learned that EVERY website, and personality I follow is spewing … “rage bait”. Alas … I have allowed my inner rage to be activated by SDA and others. How sad of me. I’ve fallen prey to mass-misinformation and conservative triggering.

        Yes, every story I read here on SDA is designed to “enrage” me. All the Trans activists are just the new normal … the tidal wave of illegal aliens … the inflating of our money and economy … the pointless war in Ukraine … All these things are just fine, but not for conservative rageaholics like me. Ohhhhhhhhhhh Mommmaaaa … Nina NAILED it … I … am … a … conservative … white … male … rager. I might as well be goosestepping with Putin with every story I read on SDA. Go get em Nina! SAVE me from my rage …

        1. Damn near everything I see everyday enrages me, that includes all the mainstream media, the government, most people, the list is long and other than ignore most of it there is nothing I can do. Old man yelling at the wind.

          1. Yes VOWG … it’s our age that forms our r-age … that used to be called WISDOM … now it is mocked

  5. Tenet Media is still up on Rumble (as of 4:25 P Eastern, Sept 7).
    I’m not guaranteeing it will be up much longer. It was on YouTube Friday, but is gone now. I skimmed it on YT and I didn’t see anything about Russia. On Rumble, for the time being you can see for yourself, if their programming is pro Russian. It’s pretty mundane and innocuous.

  6. The press release ended with “The FBI is investigating the case.”, so charges first, then evidence?

    1. Governmental … Deep State … election interference was desperately needed, as the Kameladeeda JOY wagon had just lost its wheels.

  7. Luc Lebrun
    // I cover the far right for a living.This is why I wasn’t surprised to find Canadians embedded in an alleged Russian propaganda scheme […]
    Around $10 million in Russian money was allegedly funneled through shell companies to the outlet, later identified as Tenet Media, and, perhaps more surprisingly, to a Canadian corporation based in Hudson, Québec. […]
    Tenet Media produced at least 51 videos this year focused on Canada that were viewed half-a-million times.
    Most of these alleged Russian CanCon videos feature Canadian Lauren Southern, one of Tenet Media’s star personalities and a former Rebel Media correspondent known for her extreme views on race and immigration.
    In 2018, Southern actually travelled to Russia to create videos with Alesandr Dugin,
    a neo-fascist philosopher who is considered an influential ally of Vladimir Putin.

    Southern’s Tenet Media videos focused on hot button cultural issues,
    including immigration, crime, gender and sexuality,
    as well as “anti-white” sentiment, unmarked residential school graves,
    and economic grievances about grocery prices and housing affordability […] //

    Considering the outrage over speculative Chinese connections ….

    1. Hey this Luc guy is good at conflating and smearing. He didn’t add any clarity to o the Tenet indictment, and what’s up with the timeline? Writers who reference the ” far right” are just muddying the water cuz today’s “far right” is yesterday’s centrist Dem or even Kennedy Dem.

  8. “how English terror works.
    Wait till Britkrainia starts blowing up Discos and night clubs all over the EU and then finding Russian passports lying on the ground, pretty easy to spot the ‘terrorists’ no internet required.

    Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Sep 8 2024 13:47 utc | 6”


  9. Does anyone else question $10M? It’s laughable, hard to take seriously. Per Chris Cuomo, this election cycle, alone could reach 10 billion.

  10. I wish the influencers had been candid about the moneys they received for their content licensed to Tenet. I could swear I heard Tim Pool say his contract was a $100,000 per month for a year for a weekly show. I can’t find the segment so can’t verify.
    I’d also like to know the costs entailed in producing an hour long show. We know that Tim Pool has to have enough revenue to cover 40 employees, the cost of facilities, accomodatios for guests, the cost of audio, visual, editing, and IT equipment, utilities, taxes and more. .Anyone?
