10 Replies to “Sitcom Potential”

  1. There are some people which you “just avoid” for your mental health – this Zoe sounds like one of them. At least with the Murgatroyd family, you know what you are getting!

  2. “Those mouthing progressive positions on crime and social disorder very often have limited personal exposure to the creatures they so ostentatiously excuse.”

    Case in point – (Non-Muslim) Hamas supporters. Those not in parentheses know exactly what they are protesting about.

  3. Nobody works out their excuses beforehand.. Very few motives that are real.. Greed, hate and my favorite, no reason at all.. A grift legal system that’s based on nonexistent motives.. They do the crime and we tell them why..

    Playing honesty against the truth.. A little hot sauce on their long boring day.. Justice, not so much..

  4. I’d watch online.
    Have the victim own a new cat, car, scooter, bike, BBQ, every episode without mentioning it at all.
    Scene of dialogue with her and her friend in the backyard assembling a barbeque wrong with shitty tools and butter knives while hurting themselves.
    The camera follows as the two walk inside 4 steps continuing their conversation, pick up a plate of “I-can’t-believe-this-is-insects” burgers on a plate and walk back out to a totally empty patio where the barbeque, propane heater, umbrella, glass table, planters, garden plants, spirit catchers, bird feeder, labradoodle and big expensive outdoor chairs used to be and neither mention it as they loop back inside without stopping.

  5. No need for a sitcom, #ShinyPony is arranging for everybody to have this enriching experience.

    But that’s okay. I have a huge black dog. If circumstances arise, I can get a few more huge black dogs.

    1. Best ethnic joke I’ve heard so far –

      “What do you get if you cross a Doberman with a Rottweiler?”

      “A predominantly white suburb”

      (From South Africa)

  6. It is notable, in history, that the residents of Martha’s Vineyard summarily removed the illegal aliens gifted to them. Such ingrates.

    1. Violent crime is not declining. I’M declining. I’m often told that I look like a violent crime, but please, do try to keep us straight.
