26 Replies to “So… The Magic Number Is 24”

  1. Okay, so no more portajohns, instead you’ll have a site with a trailer washroom, which are pretty much just as disgusting as the portajohns.

    We already have them at certain sites in Ontario.

  2. Unisex ? …. vanity lights for fixing your make-up? …. tampon dispensers ? …. anything I missed ?
    …. asking for a friend.

  3. Next?

    How about requiring extra pay to work outside? With additional pay for cold weather, hot weather, or rainy conditions.


  4. Well I gotta say, I hate those portajohns. Much as I dislike government dictating these kind of things, if I was working on construction I would applaud.

    1. Better a portaJohn that the users don’t make a mess of than a trailer of flush toilets and sinks with running water that they do make filthy. And with latter being required for sites with more than 24 users, they are more likely to be used carelessly.

  5. One of the first projects on a construction site after the excavation is complete is accessing the sewage system so why is it that port-a-johns are even required on a construction site. On a side note one of the sites I was on in the very early Seventies was a government project. The site had multiple ‘johns’ in different locations and one had not been serviced in a number of days. As a solution to the overflowing bucket some joker sprayed some diesel into a paper bag (Early Seventies, paper bags were still a thing back then.), set it on the seat and put a match to it. The outcome was that the ‘johns’ were serviced much more frequently after that. So fifty years later we’re finally joining the modern world, isn’t progress wonderful. Anybody reading this and being on the illustrated project. I’d really like to hear from you, by the way it was in Toronto on an island.

  6. Back in the day you held it or scooted into the bush. In my many two week reserve courses I never once took a dump in the field. When I got within eyesight of a crapper I unloaded, otherwise I held it.

  7. we had incinerator dumpers at some sites in the late 70s. not a good thing at -35C with an inversion ..there was a reason for a 40 ft stack off the amine unit

    42 is the answer . always 42

  8. Sounds expensive and much more complicated.. I imagine this is going to be a truck that cant be everywhere on a large site.. Where is John?, Don’t know, he went looking for the Kiabo Truck :)..

  9. The problem with porta-potties isn’t that they aren’t flush toilets: it’s that people using them treat them like, well, sh1t. Put the workers on a cleaning rotation, and the problem would go away, and the facilities would be if not perfect, at least usable.
