12 Replies to “Sunday On Turtle Island”

  1. “Did communism really fall”? If Canada is any indication then the the answer is no, the tyranny that is communism/government is alive and well and destroying lives in Canada and around the world.

    1. Some Things I Believe.

      YURI Bezmenov was 100% correct.
      There are only 2 Genders
      Climate change is complete BS – Always was
      Canada’s supposed Constitution is basically soiled Toilet paper.
      The DEMS will 100% CHEAT
      The Libs will CHEAT
      Harris/Walz are both animated mannequins
      Trump is GENUINE.
      2024 is everything for the future of the American Republic.

      …..yea, NO, it’s for the Future of the Entire Western Hemisphere.

  2. Communism is Totalitarianism.

    Socialism is Totalitarianism.

    Fascism is Totalitarianism.

    They shift from one form to another to suit conditions and perceptions.

    The core principle is control and ownership of the People by the State.

    The State controlled by the Party.

    The Party controlled by the Elite.

    The Elite decide who joins the Party, what the People will do, and who may live and who must die.

    You find this in every Communist, Socialist, Fascist, and Totalitarianist State. China, Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, North Korea, Cambodia, the USSR, and myriad others have all operated under the same principle.

    1. Grey
      The RCC was a control cult, they tried to destroy Judaism for 1500 years, they jailed scientist for speaking against KatholiK orthodoxy, they sent a hostile delegation the confront the Orthodox church, they dictated social behaiour, they tried controlling the use of the printing press. Katholikism = totalitarian control of the population, so they are the bed rock foundation of Communism, fascism, socialism, and liberalism.
      Queebek, France, Italy , Ireland, all leftists, all big into katholikism.

    1. Antenor

      Colds & Flu did not Dissappear as I’m certain you know
      They were simply renamed…
      BTW, What’s Vaxx the tally now…?? 20 Million>

      I truly hope we see some heads roll…FIGUREATIVELY in our lifetimes

  3. Group therapy sessions led by ‘eco-chaplains’ are increasingly popular in deranged left-wing enclaves
    In the good ole days they would just live out in the forest.. If you know what I mean?..

  4. Excess deaths and IQs are not popular topics with progressives.. They are cocksure that I’m a bad guy and that’s about it.. I’m torn.. About 1/3rd deserve what they get (gasp, I sound like them).. And the other 2/3rds went along to get along..

    The Donald Trump pandemic / lockdown, needed a vaccine.. Only mRNA could produce it in the numbers needed.. Every lock needs a key, right?.. A power grab plot point.. They put no thought into it..

    Didnt care..

  5. Climate grief?

    Okay ladies, give up your cars, turn off your air conditioning, and turn down your heat.

    Plus share your homes with an immigrant family, or two.

    It’s the progressive thing to do.
