4 Replies to “Full throated response from petroleum producers on C-59”

  1. Brian

    EVERYThing the Trudeau Government does is part n parcel of their desire to utterly DESTROY the country with a Heavy emphasis on Western Energy production.

    This shit has is generational, Trudeau Senior was attempting the same thing with his NEP…(that cost me near 10 years). And Mark CARNEY is not our Saviour either. He’s just another WEF operative, fully imbued with DEI, ESG , Digital ID, 15 Min Cities, Social Credit Score etc…

    The WEST NEEDS TO LEAVE…!!!!!!!!!

    1. It is Rusty, but the “constitution” is as interpreted by government. It is a meaningless document by lawyers , of lawyers, for lawyers. I wish there really were some intelligent people in Canada. There are a few but not nearly enough to make this country what it was when I was young. Communist french in quebec are the problem.

  2. Oh look, I used the word balls and was censored. Kate, what is wrong with free speech? Please tell me.
