24 Replies to “Mischief Is Important”

    1. I admit that I also cringe at these sorts of grammatical errors. At least they didn’t split an infinitive.

    2. The illiterate cow that stands outside Chick-fil-A doesn’t say ‘eat less cows” she says ‘EAT MOR CHIKIN’

      If cow is beef, what is cat meat is called?

    3. Every kitten counts? How high can they count? 5, 10, 20, 100? I never knew that they could count at all. We shall have to be careful about how many treats are given to each kitten. They will know if they are short changed.

      An abacus in every litter box! I’m with you on the word fewer though stevie. The fewer we see of less, the better, I say. To boldly defend the English language should be our mission. Onwards!

      1. I assure you: They can count. Especially when it comes to treats. And you will know when you’ve short-changed them.

        1. That’s for sure. If you have several cats and give them a treat, each successively, in two seconds the first one will look at you like, “Where’s mine? I didn’t get any!”

      2. John the Mad…Ack! You dropped a facetious split infinitive! That is something up with which I shall not put!

  1. I’m telling everyone Kamala Harris’s family is from Haiti, not Jamaica. Let’em reach their own conclusion.

      1. Yes, one is a bigger island, and the other one is half of a smaller island. Both are inhabited by people with marginal differences, in terms of enlightenment.

  2. Congressman Eric Fartwell is apparently losing his mind over this ad campaign… should be more of them!

  3. Or as Wilkow calls him – Sir Fartsalot!
    Seems in some regions protein is elusive so we should not be surprised. Rumour has it that in some of the communist shitholes bordering the Caribbean, seagulls are going missing and pigeons are almost non-existent.
    Think Venezuela for starters.
