
The past month I’ve spent in Boston, Massachusetts. I divided my time by mostly working on my software project, but have also taken the opportunity to explore various communities in New England. Several people I met recommended that I visit Provincetown. Not knowing exactly what to expect, I drove there one day. It turned out to be a nice little seaside town but … how should I put this … is more gay than San Francisco. Contrary to popular opinion, one does not need to be a card carrying socialist/communist to avoid being homophobic! Here are the photos I took there that day.

Just before returning to my car to leave, I saw the scene below.  My immediate thoughts were: “Stunning and Brave!”  Displaying such flags is just sooooo obvious, boring, and terribly unoriginal.

10 Replies to “Photoblogging”

  1. Robert. My own personal Provincetown story.

    In 2003 … my son played on a Nationally competitive high school club soccer team. They were scheduled to play a tournament in New Hampshire, and we had plane tickets for the whole family. As it turned out, the tournament was cancelled last minute … but we decided to still fly to New England and take a family tour. We “did” Boston, and Salem, Mass. Took in a Red Sox game, walked the Harvard commons, the whole shebang. We then drove to Conn. where I have a verrrrry wealthy relative, but I got randomly inspired to drive the Cape. As a CA kid, I wanted to check out the East Coast beaches and coastline. So … we drove alllllll the way to Provincetown.

    We found the same thing as you … it is a charming, historical, harbor town. Super picturesque. We drove to the downtown “tourist” streets … parked … and took a walk taking in the shops and looking for a place to eat. Well … that didn’t last long as we first encountered a bull dyke couple pushing a baby stroller that they literally aimed at my kids legs, sneered, and shouted “you’re blocking our pathway!” For the next several blocks … Gay couples, dykes, and freaks all proudly exhibiting their gross gay-PDA’s. I have NEVER felt more like a fish out of water ANYWHERE else in my life. And that includes The Castro in SF, Haight Asbury, or Telegraph Ave. in Berkeley. Every single couple stared at us and sneered their disapproval of our hetero family. Our semi-nuclear family.

    Our downtown Provincetown trip lasted no longer than 5 minutes. We couldn’t ESCAPE that place fast enough. Provincetown is wayyyyyy out at the end of the Cape. A real long drive. And the place is wayyyyyyy out there. Wayyyyyyyy creepy and nasty. I suppose a nice place to spend your last days dying of AIDS … still angry at your hetero family for not “accepting” you. Sheesh. Weirdos.

  2. I wish all lesbian couples were like the couple that lives next to my elderly parents for the last quarter century. One is a retired teacher, the other a podiatrist. Always looking out for my mom and dad. They shovel their walk when it snows, make them dinners at least twice a month, and this Friday the podiatrist is taking my mom for a haircut. I know the teacher is a dem for sure. Not sure about the other. No rainbow flags flying and their house and property always looks amazing. They know my parents are Trumpsters but they don’t care. Anywho, my point being not all lesbians are toxic weirdos.

    1. I live in the SF Bay Area. I personally know, and work with many gays and lesbians. Most all are lovely people. Most do NOT let their Freak Flag Fly. Most are embarrassed by The Queers and Activists like GLAAD. One of my closest work associates and I used to have spirited debates about gay “marriage” … which didn’t interfere in the least with our close professional relationship. He knew how much I admired his talent, and how much I enjoyed working with him. He absolutely knew I thought he was a stand up guy … and he WON gay marriage. I lost. Meh. It still doesn’t change my opinion. But it will never destroy my relationship with him.

    1. The special 20% in the USA live west of longitude equal to Winnipeg.
      In Canada its north of Sudbury.

  3. Looks gorgeous. Thanks for the travel tip. The phrase “rum, sodomy and the lash” keeps coming to mind for some reason…..?!?
