84 Replies to “The Libranos: Go Fetch Us A Coffee, Chrystia”

  1. What’s the point of bringing Carney in as an advisor? Is this about keeping your friends close, but your enemies closer?

    1. CANADIANS should really do a deep dive on this guy.

      He is NO SAVIOUR, that much should be freaking obvious. 100% WEF
      HE is full on with Digital ID, Social Credit. 15 min cities the works…and 100% invested in Climate Change.
      The Devil in a $3000 suit…

      DANGEROUS…and if he takes Justin’s spot..??
      I’ll be on the move to the US the same day….

      1. I agree completely with you.

        He has the same agenda as Shiny Pony but he is very intelligent and sly which makes him extremely dangerous, far more so than any Liberal presently sitting in Parliament.

        1. I appreciate that this may be wishful thinking, but I have a sneaking suspicion:

          (i) that Carney is new Michael Ignatieff – i.e., the supposed worldly, transnational, cosmopolitan sophisticate (indeed, Liberal Party’s very Platonic conception of itself at its most self-congratulatory and fatuous);

          (ii) that anointing/parachuting in Mr. Carney, is the same “Dream Strategy” as dreamt-up by then-LPC president Alfred Apps (a buffoon, BTW) many moons ago, and

          (iii) this Dream Strategy will yield much the same results.

          I doubt Mark Carney came home for you either….

      2. Very true, but nevertheless, an improvement over Witch Hazel. At least Carney knows how to manage the economy.
        Not saying that Carney is a savior, but he is a step up over what we have now.

        1. Carney knows how to manage the economy???? He thinks government, particularly central banks are integral to the economy. The economy is better off without both, but a small amount of government is necessary, but it should be kept far from the economy.

          1. Exactly!
            Governments that manage their economies: Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea.
            And despite their economic clout, China is a fckn shitshow.

        2. 1. A VERY low bar
          2. What makes you think Carney would be an improvement???*
          3. No offense, but you sound like someone from Ontario – i.e, conventional, trusting, complacent

          *Justin (PBUH) has repeatedly stated that he has little interest in policy and that he sees his role as being the public face/spokesperson for the government. So it’s not Justin that the issue IT’S THE LIBERAL PARTY OF CANADA that is causing the rot in the country. I don’t see how changing the public face of the party is going to change anything and that to suggest otherwise is the worst sort of Magical Thinking (although I did note on this blog just yesterday that certain people still believe in saints, miracles and magic).

        3. Mark Carney wants us to give up our standard of living to save the planet, and he has it all planned out , he runs with the great reset crowd

      3. Bang-on Steakman.
        Carney’s record proves he’s a loser, can’t hold down a job for very long, otherwise why join the Liberals?

        1. Appointed by Harper as Governor of Bank of Canada.
          Left 5 years into 7 year term. Shortest serving Governor of Bank of Canada ever.
          Did Harper push him out or did he quit?
          His successor Poloz (also appointed by Harper) did the quantitative easing mess just before his term was over leaving the BoC in the shambles that it still is.

      4. Steak, Carney is as his name implies, he is a carney shill. Just another freaking socialist/communist liberal.
        You know that Canadians are socialist to the core.

    2. He’s the likely replacement for Trudeau as Lib top gun.

      And all the while, Chrystia thought she was the anointed one. Reminds me of Joe Clarke.

      1. But Chrystia was more than eager to ditch the Liberals when she thought she had a chance to become the Secretary General of NATO.


    The EVIL deeds of this creature are eating away at her soul? Or is it that Death Jab and BOOSTER that she mandated that is slowly turning her into a walking Skeleton. Either way, she looks EVIL and worried.

    Couldn’t be happier.

    1. She finally looks FULLY like the witch she is.
      S C A R Y.

      So politicians BUILD economies, eh? Not enable them by getting out of the effin way?

      Steakman: 100% on Carney.

      1. Well now… looks like my moniker of “Witch Hazel” may be catching on!
        My goodness! With the exception of the green-colored skin, Witch Hazel could be a doppelganger for the fraulien!

  3. WEFer’s wondering why their Davos central planning circle jerks are not translating into blissful submission by the unwashed masses. If Shiny Pony has lost them how about an entitled Backroom Bankster?

  4. Twitchy the goblin is looking pretty rough there.

    Guilty conscience? Looking over her shoulder 24/7 now?

  5. She promises and “affordable and innovative economy.”
    Sorry, but leftie innovations do not deliver an affordable economy. Economic basics do.

  6. What a ghoul. It’s like the Jacinda Ardern to Gollum metamorphosis meme. This is what happens when you’ve sold your soul to kiss the ring of power. I hope it’s slow and agonizing for it.

    1. Mark, I was just thinking the same thing…although in Freeland’s case, she was definitely NOT a head turner…

      Ukro NAZI Ghoul – enough to make ya puke…
      There’s a few in Cabinet the should have a Mussolini ending…she qualifies at the # 2 Spot.

  7. Who’s the guy across the room checking out her azz? I see he wears glasses. Should make an appointment with his optometrist. Needs his prescription adjusted. On second thought, his facial expression shows that his vision is just fine.

  8. Where was this picture from, a news paper? a website? a still frame from a video?
    The Turds photographer nailed her,,, looks like she has her teeth out already!
    Is that the “ozempic face” ?

  9. Pretty sure that’s an AI generated image but good one that humorously describes her new roles and responsibilities in Finance. Someone should request an image of the new boss, Carney, with all of his conflicts of interest and his multiple citizenships.

    I think the only reason Carney (reluctantly?) joined Trudeau’s Titanic is to attempt to salvage one of the WEF’s flagship “build back better” countries and the Liberal Party from complete destruction. Carney has no allegiance to Canada or the welfare of Canadians. He’s a elitist central banker who gets sent in to problem countries to further the WEF and their climate change agenda. Then he returns to his preferred country of residence while Canadians suffer from his terrible economic policies.

    1. Yup. I immediately figured that as AI generated. Some people are good at enhancing images just enough to almost fool you at first glance. The Earl of Taint is a master at such images.

      1. AI is getting better but the human eye can still tell the difference on all but the best images. The tell is usually in the face/facial expression and depth of color used by AI (reminiscent of renaissance paintings to me). This was obviously AI, of course, because Freeland would not be caught dead being photographed serving coffee.

        1. Trying to think of the prompt that created this image.

          ChatGPT , please create an image of Chrystia Freeland, at her absolute peak usefulness. She has made a myriad of promises to Canadians, and I want an image which displays the best thing she has ever done for Canadians, or for the world. And don’t be afraid to put her in a dress that fits.”

    2. Correct. He’s the cleanup batter sent in by the WEF since their Canadian kommissariat is flubbing in communicating directives, er, policies.

      BTW, what are the antonyms of affordable and innovative? Because those are their true desired outcomes.

  10. BTW bringing Carney in as Finance guru speaks volumes of the ‘expertise’ Freeland has in Finance matters. ZERO. Just like Patty Hajdu had re Health. And so many other Libranos in ministerial positions.

  11. Sorry folks, this image is my fault.

    I asked AI to create an image of a “Realistic fairy tale old hag, but instead of an apple she’s giving someone coffee” and the image must have gotten out into the wild.

  12. As if ANYBODY would be dumb enough to drink that.
    As soon as she turns around Carney quickly flings it over his shoulder and makes after drinking noises.

  13. Pity the poor underling tasked with cleaning the mess off of her broom. Rode hard and put away wet……

  14. Recall that George W Bush national guard memo.
    It was fake.
    MSM eventually conceded that is was fake.
    However, it was deemed to be “fake but accurate”.
    This AI pic — same deal.

  15. Heh, some pretty fckn funny comments – even GYM the troll wouldn’t bang that on Hallowe’en.

    As for Carney, let’s see what the Yellow Stream Press says.
    I’m pretty sure they’ll shine their prog-warrior savior like he’s the second coming – just like they did in 2015.
    And that’s when they need to be attacked by the masses.
    Here’s a reminder of what this SOB really is.


  16. The Brits sent this WEF white cat stroking entitled dickhead packing for rejecting their Brexit vote.

    Mark Carney
    United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance, United Nations

    “Mark is also Chair at Brookfield Asset Management.
    1988, Bachelor’s in Economics, Harvard University; 1993, Master’s in Economics and 1995, Doctorate in Economics, Oxford University. Thirteen years with Goldman Sachs in London, Tokyo, New York, Toronto. 2003-04, Deputy Governor, Bank of Canada. 2004-08, Senior Associate Deputy Minister of Finance. 2008-13, Governor of the Bank of Canada. Since July 2013, Governor of the Bank of England. Chairman, Financial Stability Board (FSB); He is also an external member of the Board of Stripe, a member of the Global Advisory Board of PIMCO, Harvard University, Rideau Hall Foundation, Bilderberg, the boards of Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Peterson Institute for International Economics the Hoffman Institute for Global Business and Society at INSEAD, Cultivo, as well as Senior Counsellor of the MacroAdvisory Partners, Advisor of the Watershed, and Chair of Chatham House, the Group of Thirty and also Advisory Board Chair for Canada 2020”

  17. Kate, I can definitely see a modification to the “Best Caption” threads.

    Best AI generated image?

    We have the technology, and the SDA community is champing at the bit.
