The Totalitarian Mindset

If the Green Party ever gets ahold of the levers of government, western civilization will be done like dinner.

“We must stop the spread of anti-human and anti-constitutional content on the internet,” demanded Hofreiter, who serves as the chairman of the European Affairs Committee in the Bundestag. Violations of applicable law must be punished consistently. With regard to social networks, this means that they “will be blocked if necessary,” said the Green politician. This would also include the X platform owned by Elon Musk, which the left views as an imminent threat due to its emphasis on free speech, according to Frankfurter Rundschau.

11 Replies to “The Totalitarian Mindset”

  1. What the hell is with those Germans.

    Certain Adolph seems to have influence beyond his demise.
    Must be something in their diet or perhaps it’s something in their genetic makeup.

  2. Since the Greens were founded as a front for thr KGB (or it’s predecessors) why should anyone be surprised that they plan to end western civilization as we know it.

  3. We are already living through the decline and fall of western civilization, and the decline is accelerating. Greens in power would only speed up the decline into a crash.

  4. There is this assumption that people will let a politician starve them. Will it happen?
    Somewhere along the line there will be pain for those trying to destroy people’s lives and country.

  5. The Greens received so few votes, they lot party status. They are the fringe minority with radical views. Why don’t we blocks them?
