24 Replies to “Today In Islam”

  1. If you support terrorism you are a terrorist even, if you demonstrate and support them in Canada or the U. S .

    1. Agreed. Those of us still capable of honesty (an ever-dwindling number – for God’s sake don’t speak the truth out loud!) need to admit to the virulent, anti-Semitic hatred of the Jewish race that seethes barely below the surface of so many “liberal Democrats.” The hypocrites among us, who restrain their tongues less and less each day, thereby revealing their true feelings of hatred, while stridently lecturing us about the unforgivable racism that supposedly lurks in our hearts.

    2. What, exactly, does it mean to “support terrorism”?

      USSA, Inc is by far the largest terrorist project the world has ever seen. The only way to stop supporting such a thing is to stop paying taxes and stop buying everything but the merest neccessities. Very few are willing to do that because it requires real dedicated effort and puts them at real risk of being put in a cage.

      1. You mean the USA supports Hamas? Well, that seems to be partly true. They need Trump to end it. Like Trump for 20 years, but they’ll get just four.

        Vance to be put into the test.

      2. You stand up with a hamas flag you are no better than the hamas that attacked and killed Israeli women, children and unarmed men. If you think like that maybe you should go elsewhere.

  2. “an organizer of a conference by the Palestine Solidarity Movement…Under the Biden-Harris administration, Bitar became the Senior Director for Intelligence on the National Security Council”

    “Yousra Fazili, who had studied Islamic religious law or sharia at Egypt’s Al-Azhar University, notorious for its terrorist teachings, and represented the International Islamic Federation of Student Organizations co-founded by figures tied to the Muslim Brotherhood and Osama bin Laden, before becoming the Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Defense Programs and now serves as the Chief of Staff to the Comptroller and Chief Financial Officer of the Pentagon.”

    Gee, isn’t that special.

  3. “At least 18 people have been killed in an Israeli airstrike on Syria’s Hama province, Syria’s health minister has said.

    It was the deadliest Israeli attack reported by Syrian authorities since the Iranian embassy compound in Damascus was hit in April, which sparked a barrage of drones and missiles from Tehran in response.”


    Hama Province in Syria is more than half way to Turkey.

    1. Good riddance of the terrorists. They believe they’ll get to the heaven, so they enjoyed. You’ll never understand them.

      1. “You’ll never understand them.”

        This. Even if you start to think that you’re on the same page as one of them – you’re not.

  4. ‘During the blessed last 10 days of Ramadan, we celebrate our Administration’s incredible Muslim team,” Vice President Kamala Harris’

    Harris will not say ‘during the blessed days of Easter, we celebrate our Administration’s incredible Christian team.’

    They do not even /have/ Christians, or would not celebrate if they had. They /hate/ real Christians and their special culture.

    Not that they’d value Muslim faith when it’s spelled out as in Koran and in communities – they ignore it and use it against Christians.

    1. OMG.

      Bullets can be bought from all parts of the world.
      Same for the guns.

      Did you read this part. Bet not!

      CNN cannot independently verify the autopsy results,

    2. They kill their own and blame it on Israel. I have read some of your posts and you are not one I would wish converse with on a regular basis, your hatred of Jews is palpable.

    3. “killed by an Israeli occupation sniper’s ”

      That’s where I stopped reading. “Occupation”, my ass…you can’t “occupy” your own land. Judea and Samaria has been Jewish land for centuries.

  5. A senior I know was lunged at by a very diverse person wearing a Free Fakestain from the river to the sea shirt and when he jumped back out of fear he was going to be attacked, the person asked them if they were a wacist who hated “people of colour” while another diverse person was videoing it all.

    I wonder if this will become a common thing in the Greater Toronto Area.

  6. Yet, one is admonished for having a Racheal Notley golf target..


    The cutout drew criticism Saturday from an Alberta NDP member of the legislature, who says it was inappropriate to put a woman’s face on a target, especially following the murder of British MP Jo Cox.

    The cutout drew criticism Saturday from an Alberta NDP member of the legislature, who says it was inappropriate to put a woman’s face on a target, especially following the murder of British MP Jo Cox.

    The cutout drew criticism Saturday from an Alberta NDP member of the legislature, who says it was inappropriate to put a woman’s face on a target, especially following the murder of British MP Jo Cox.

    The cutout drew criticism Saturday from an Alberta NDP member of the legislature, who says it was inappropriate to put a woman’s face on a target, especially following the murder of British MP Jo Cox.

    The cutout drew criticism Saturday from an Alberta NDP member of the legislature, who says it was inappropriate to put a woman’s face on a target, especially following the murder of British MP Jo Cox.

    “Bothi says he doubts there would have been an uproar if former prime minister Stephen Harper’s face was on a target.”

    1. Then I guess they don’t want to see my comparisons of a certain Dipper and a certain Star Wars character.
