14 Replies to “Tuesday On Turtle Island”

  1. What a surprise, the French whores to join the whoring between Prime Moron and the bearded popsicle.
    Menage a trois. And with whom – with a party whose 1st commandment is to separate, a party that should not even have legal standing at federal level.
    That’s exactly why I keep saying that unless PP gets a solid majority, he stands no chance.

  2. If the conservatives do well in Quebec they get 15 seats. If they do poorly they get 10 seats. No justification for pandering.
    The Bloc have expressed a willingness to extort everything they can and the Liberals have demonstrated a willingness to write cheques with taxpayer money.
    We lost the referendums

  3. So Lizzy wants to nationalize the railroads. So did Mussolini. Come to think of it, have you ever compared their photos.

    ‘Every thing within the state, nothing outside the state, no opposition to the state’ quick, who said it – trudeau or Mussolini?
