5 Replies to “Wind doesn’t blow, again, in Alberta”

  1. Sask Power seems intent on blowing something hard enough to make those turbines spin.
    Whether it is the Weyburn project or the secretive Lajord Project. I head the indians are on-board though, at least our land guardians will ensure that all is well (sarc).

    BTW, in case you aren’t aware the Lajord project is huge. Covering land from Gray up to Edenwold -about 50 square miles. 5 complete sections alone going to solar, with the rest chopping birds and insects up to 200 meters above the ground. Largest turbines you can get I hear. At that height, you’ll see birds dying from 50 km away. I hope people on the south and east side of regina like their sun rises ‘flickering’

  2. Where are the lawsuits at least from companies that are not getting enough power, isn’t there some sort of contractual LEGAL obligation to provide enough power?
    Certainly not ALL the CEOs in Canada aren’t cowards?

  3. Yes, noticed that on Sunday, nary a breath of wind, after 3 days of 30+ degree temperatures.
    monday was quite breezy, however.

    Tell me, which part of the “modern age” requires checking on the weather to see if it’s going to be windy enough, or sunny enough to power whatever is necessary to support life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

    There was supposed to be flying cars, et al., by now, but we can’t even have a stable grid.
    Our predecessors must be laughing at us!

  4. OK and now the terminally stupid in AB will not put a stop to it. Yes or no?

    You see none of the fake “green” energy can be built without coal, oil and gas. The stupid has been beyond belief all my fairly long life. I really do hate stupid people.
