37 Replies to “Coming Soon…”

    1. Wait until PM Poilievre tells Canadians to make do:) in the next year or so.
      Same for economic depression.
      Fun times suckers

  1. Just more opportunities to “lose” them so they never get deported no matter how ineligible they are.

  2. “push provinces that are recalcitrant” – recalcitrant – that’s what you are if you don’t agree to the agenda of the national socialists in the NDP/Liberal Party.

    Liberal radicals are on a mission to eliminate you and your country – if you don’t agree to it you are recalcitrant. And no matter how much you hate them – they hate you more.

  3. Why don’t they set up a tent city on the grounds of Rideau Hall. That way, Justine could visit easily from the Rideau ‘Cottage’, and they could dine with the GG.

  4. Already happening as far as I can tell.
    There seem be a lot more ‘diverse’ residents in my town (southern AB) lately.
    A lot of their cars seem to have damage to the rear hatch/fender/trunk as they can’t drive worth a damn.

    1. Ditto here. The previous two summers our alley’s were full of discarded (but brand new) luggage. This summer our our neighborhood is actively re-zoning to IS-lam.

  5. At what point will the government demand you “rent” a spare bedroom in your house to shelter asylum seekers.

  6. Forget apportioning out to provinces by demographic; apportion out to ridings by percentage of votes for the Lieberals/NDP.

  7. Happening big time in the US. That pet eating story from Springfield, OH….well, it used to be a town of 59,000. It got a 15,000 Haitian injection. Those apartment complexes in Aurora, CO….Chicago etc…the federal government has been spending billions to acquire apartment complexes and house illegals using taxpayer money through NGO’s.

    This is a story that is on the cusp of blowing up. It’s a byproduct of a spiteful president’s radical staff getting all their pet projects greenlighted before the election no matter the optics or legalities.

    1. Just a reminder, under the Obama Admin, border security resources were aggressively used to relocate illegal immigrants into the interior of the US. The Obama Admin also had a revolving door through which Google employees were endlessly cycled. It is not a stretch to believe that Google was providing analytics expertise to help choose resettlement locations that would maximise social and political disruption. Republican run oversight committees tried to obtain lists of the relocation sites, but the Obama Admin ignored their efforts.

      Overwhelming high-funcitoning communities of native-born citizens with illegal immigrants from disfunctional societies appears to be a deliberate strategy that has been going on for a while.

      It doesn’t look like CA is going to escape the same treatment.

  8. The article says they mostly want to settle in Ontario and Quebec. Fortunately they are both very large and diverse. My suggestion is a trial settlement on Lonely Island, Ontario. For those who want to check it out, the map coordinates on Google Maps are 45.562721,-81.46829. The reviews say ot is a very lonely place. Either agree to that or I think many would agree to paying for a one way ticket back to country of origin plus $5,000. Much cheaper than settling and keeping them here for the next twenty year or more.

    1. I was thinking Uranium City, Saskatchewan. There is existing infrastructure and I would be so happy to see those Gazan men chill out from October (when temperatures drop to 20 below) to June (when the horse flies hatch). Maybe these newcomers could learn how to hunt moose, elk, bear and fish.

  9. Same thing the Biden/Harris “administration” has done. Pull a Ralph Klein on them and buy them bus tickets back to Toronto.

  10. 20,000 Haitians? To a small Sask. community. Well … the good news is that Kate regularly posts beautiful photos of the abundant wildlife. The bad news is that the Haitians eat the WHOLE part of the goose and moose …

    They even use the bones to create sharp pointed weapons.

  11. Could someone point out to the First Nations people that the unbridled Liberal government’s immigration, TFW, and student visa policies is the greatest existential threat they have ever faced? These “new” Canadians don’t care and will eventually start influencing government policy to their detriment.

  12. What about the “nearly empty” federal office spaces throughout the country?
    Or empty cottages in cottage country?
    Or army residences on bases not full of soldiers coz …
    A stable or doghouse for each new refugee.
    Forget the homeless, poor, disabled. Give us the refugee!

  13. As a famous prophet once said ‘It’s like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre’

  14. “The reality is that Quebec and Ontario are …” voting for these tyrannical monsters who have negative regard for the people that don’t vote for them.
    Make them live with the consequences of their choices.
    Make them pay.

  15. I wish they would.. I see pajama boys rolling up and down my street.. Im sure the ROC would appreciate their third world input more than my neighborhood.. BTW its not white.. Understand?..
