11 Replies to “DEI The Friendly Skies”

  1. Statistician Matt Briggs has ghoulishly proposed a contest to guess the first DEI crash in the airline industry.

    Incompetency abounds.

    1. October 29th, 2018 or March 10th, 2019?

      At the time of the second crash, there were 329 Boeing 737Max aircraft in service.

  2. A friend of mine is a pilot with United who votes solid D every election. Retired Navy too. Inexplicable. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  3. You really have to wonder why either plane didn’t notice the other? Most of all the size the the airbus.
    I would like to know what ground controller gave permission for the either aircraft to continue moving

    1. Check the comments section of the link to Instapundit. There are a lot of knowledgable comments regarding this collision and far be for me to suggest who was at fault. From the comments I would say it was up to the pilot in command of the Airbus to ensure there was room to pass but at the same time the CRJ had not pulled completely up to the hold line.

  4. Destroyed one plane; put another into repair for weeks, at least.
    Initial look says that ground control is responsible as pilots cannot see their own wing tips; however if one pilot didn’t do exactly as told by ground control, this crap will happen. Tenerife accident was ,in part, caused by a pilot who was taxing to take off when he was told to hold.
