14 Replies to “Fake Election 2024”

  1. An honest question for all you Gen. X, Y, Z’ers … that ABC “man” doing the debate … is THAT the kind of man that sets your hearts a fluttering? The kind of “man” who you trust to read all the news that’s fit to you like Walter Cronkite?

    Because that’s the kind of man I like to see have a tragic accident that wipes the permanent sneer off his face.

  2. I follow some foreign podcasters. I expected them to mock the Springfield OH story. One of them featured it . They loved the meme of Trump defending pets and ducks. They think it’s very Anglo. They spent time showing their favorite memes. (You have to admit there are some very clever and funny images. If you see the take on Gollum please post ). Anyway, despite knowing the evidence is very questionable, they think something like what is claimed might be really happening cuz they hear about it happening in Europe and the UK.
    They think the best part of the story is what it does to Libs, who go to great lengths to logically refute it. They must not know about the Streisand Effect.

    1. Actually, it wasn’t a disaster at all. In fact, Reuters with a focus group of undecided ended up with 6 supporting Trump, 3 for Harris and 1 undecided. Looks like you are bathed in the Koolaid. In fact, Dems liked her “performance”, but the undecided didn’t. And that’s because all Harris did was spread the same old lies. Drink deeply, bozo.

      1. My opinion,
        Kamala did well. She reacted to Trump’s factual barbs with a ridiculing laugh, she dodged all the questions she didn’t want to answer and instead recited her well-memorized talking points she was well poised and confident.

        Trump could have won the election if he’d remained cool. He had some good moments but took the bait often, and (understandably) got angry at Kamala’s allies the so-called “moderators” and that threw him off his game causing him to miss a lot of chances to score. He appeared angry, rattled and in a dither.

        I was surprised and disappointed by his performance, he’s always done so much better before.

        In a fair debate of point and counterpoint, he would have won handily. But as we all know, the Democrats never fight fair. If Trump is in the lead as election day nears, they are going to get VERY dirty, just like last time.

  3. YouTubers living in Springfield, OH are telling a different story than that parroted by the MSM & Kackles. Everyday citizens, all telling the same story of the Haitian Invasion. Of course the town officials are going to deny it’s happening. It’s not affecting THEM, plus it would make them & the town look bad. One guy tells about his brother who was in line for social housing for disabled and low income residents. The brother follows up on his prospects of moving, only to find that, instead of still being high on the list, he’s now relegated to waaaay down, with no chance of getting a unit. The reason: the units are now being given to the Haitians!

    1. The ABC News”mans” fact check of Trump included the modifier … no “credible” … police reports about Haitians eating pets. “Credible” according to what standard? The police didn’t directly WITNESS Haitians BBQing dogs or sautee’ing cats?

      Weasel words spoken by a weasel

  4. Hmm, pets and fowl disappearing now that thousands of Haitians call Springfield, OH home. Perhaps the Haitians are just performing the animal sacrifice rituals demanded from those practicing Afro-Caribbean religions like Vodou (voodoo) and Santeria.

  5. You knew, I knew, wide swathes of America knew that Kamala’s strategy was to insult him, mock him, smear him, bait him, and goad him into an imprudent response. Given that it was a pile on and the degree of provocation, maybe he did ok. He didn’t have an outburst but he did seem off his game. I think some MAGA people believed she was too inept to hold her own. I didn’t underestimate her so I was not shocked. So bottom line, the Dems had reason to celebrate. Her responses were substance free not that her ilk cared. I dunno, every Trump response should have started with the Dems killed the American Dream. We’re going to bring Jobs, Good jobs, the greatest jobs anyone has ever seen.

  6. Kamala could have blown the election last night, and didn’t, but I don’t think there’s much more to it. She certainly came out of the evening better than Trump; the media have all the competent Kamala footage they need to make her victory seem at least notionally plausible now. Of course, she’s got eight more weeks to discredit herself completely, so she’s far from out of the woods.

    Trump gained less but then he always had less to gain. I would say neither of them lost any voters last night. Undecided voters who watched the event will swing to Trump, those who watch media summaries will swing to Harris. I’d call it a disappointment for Trump, no worse.
