6 Replies to “I’m Going To Miss The Gulf Stream”

  1. “The day after tomorrow” should come with a propaganda warning. Absolutely ruined an entire generation.

    I prefer the south park “two days before the day after tomorrow”

    In other news, media’s prayers to Satan have been answered, we finally have a hurricane to raise gas prices. (Isn’t every hurricane season projected to be the worst on record?)

  2. A fact I learned the other day about currents that I thought was interesting. There is a strong current into the Mediterranean Sea past the Strait of Gibraltar because there is so much evaporation in the Med that it is being constantly refilled from the Atlantic, which is pretty cool. That’s not going to “collapse anytime soon unless the laws of physics get repealed.

    1. Nice.
      And as repayment, I give you the worlds shortest joke:

      “A baby seal walks into a club…”

      You’re welcome.
