It’s Not Our Fault

Blacklock’s- Wildfire Risk Was “Political”

Internal emails show Parks Canada executives feared “public and political perception” in managing fire hazards at Jasper, Alta. Access To Information records yesterday released by Conservative MP Dan Mazier (Dauphin-Swan River, Man.)

Jonah Mitchell, executive director of Parks Canada’s Prairie division, warned of negative media coverage if the agency organized a controlled burn of dead pine, a routine forest management practice. “At what point do we make the organizational decision to cancel planned prescribed burns in Western Canada?” asked Director Mitchell.

16 Replies to “It’s Not Our Fault”

  1. Sounds to me like Jonah Mitchell, executive director of Parks Canada’s Prairie division, needs to be terminated for a bad decision. He would have received tax payer funded ‘at-risk’ pay…

    1. He gives good memo …. a quote I always loved to describe those that do no real work but can BJ and ass kiss their way to the top of the executive pile of horse shit!!

      Most damning in my view is the paper pointing out that for hundreds of years the Jasper area burned every 60 to 70 years and yet we let it go over a hundred years by fighting the fires until the fuel load was off scale excessive.
      Mother Nature is a nasty bitch when you don’t play by her rules 😉

    2. Maybe they (Jonah Mitchell and his staff) can be air-dropped into the next fire to help fight it, because what they are doing now is no help at all.

      I wonder if he was the one who approved the 2023 prescribed burn at the “Women In Firefighting Exchange” in Banff?

  2. Sounds to me like Jonah Mitchell, executive director of Parks Canada’s Prairie division, needs to be terminated for a bad decision. He would have received tax payer funded ‘at-risk’ pay…

  3. The #Libranos in charge (reigning over us?) should at least acknowledge that their base is too stupid to know what’s good for them with controlled burns. This sort of thing used to be taught in grade school before “all sex for everyone and any type you’d like to be” became the norm.
    That’s before all media weather reports of absolutely normal summer weather was changed from blue/green with some yellow hotspots to “everything is lava colored now and we’re all set to perish”.

    Is Jonah Mitchell dependent upon the #Libranos for his/her job? or was this a merit based placement?
    Plenty of burned out homeowners in Jasper would like to know…

  4. The public (vote rich urban Eloi) hate smoke and for those attempting to use fire as a silvicultural or fire prevention tool, it has become very difficult and objectionable. I can understand how high level bureaucrats take the easy way out and practice “stand and stare” forest management on public land, especially in National Parks. Burning up towns is just a temporary setback in their career path to cushy pensions. Besides, they can blame it on climate change and the media eats it up.

  5. Turn arsonists loose in overgrown, poorly maintained forests full of beetle damaged trees … and cry … Global Warming!!! Climate Change !!!

    That’s how and why CA is burning

    1. We don’t even need an environment minister anymore, the laws and rules are in place to protect the environment. And we never had a housing crisis until we had a housing minister and there’s more people than ever with mental health problems and hooked on drugs now that we have a minister of mental health and addictions. There’s more too, I could go on.

  6. Having vacationed in jasper for many years, this was a fire just waiting to happen. 10 years ago there were no dead trees anywhere. Then about 5/6 years ago the Northern Pine Beetle destroyed every pine in the Jasper area. You could see all the telltale red trees. When trees die they dry out and their moisture content turns them into matchsticks. Those tree were never cut or managed.

    A precursor was the fire along Maligne Lake Road a few years ago starting a few miles before Medicine lake. Now all of it is burned apparently from Jasper to past Medicine Lake. Smart park management would have taken note and done something.

    1. You let it burn, fire is part of forest ecology. What you need to do is make sure the areas around towns and villages are protected by clearing dire breaks and ensuring you have fire fighting resources available to keep it out of town.

      1. That horse is long out of the barn. Better and wiser to let whole communities burn to the ground…no management required.
