Let’s Decolonize The Navy

National Security Journal- DEI Is Sinking the U.S. Navy

After persistent recruiting challenges since 2020, the Coast Guard—which is facing a 10% shortage in crews—last year took the remarkable step of sidelining 10 cutters and shuttering 29 boat stations. The Navy, meanwhile, missed its recruiting goals last year by 7,000 and has shrunk by 21,000 sailors since 2021. Then there’s the Army, which reduced its goals rather than acknowledge even larger recruitment gaps.

9 Replies to “Let’s Decolonize The Navy”

  1. Wokism=socialism=communism=nihilism

    It always lives off the capital amassed by the meritocracy it suffocates until it descends into despair. It’s a law of physics.

    It’s like a parasitic climbing vine that grows up and envelops a tree until it kills the host and the entire structure eventually collapses.

  2. Just curious about how this jives with Kameladeeda’s promise to make our military … “the most lethal military in the world”. Surely she intends just the opposite

  3. It is high time that we look at the family reunification program, as well as long-term visas for grandparents, refugees, immigrants from countries that do not share so-called “Canadian values”, illegal border crossers who do not deserve hearings, refugees whom we can’t absorb, etc.

    A lot of the second generation have accents that no one can understand.

    Our tolerance has run out.

  4. The Navy has run out of suitable applicants who are trainable.
    All immigrants, especially mothers, need English training, on their own dime.
    Living in enclaves of people from their place or origin does not promote integration.

  5. The Navy needs to revive that ancient sea chanty “In The Navy” by the Village People!

    That will get the boys out!

  6. The coast guard only take applicants 6 feet tall or over. So they can walk ashore if their boat sinks.

  7. ‘programs like BOOST that were ended in 2008 need to be brought back and given an update. BOOST was intended to give promising enlisted sailors from disadvantaged education systems preparation for college and commission as an officer’

    BOOST spells DEI
