12 Replies to “Only Seven?”

  1. I don’t see why anyone would plan terrorist attacks in unimportant little Canada, land of free welfare and medicare the moment an immigrant sets foot on our soil.
    Blow up half of Toronto and it’d be item three on CNN’s nightly news. NBC might not carry the story at all.

    Use Canada to get close to the Great Satan,and once you’ve committed your bombing in the USA, get back across the Border quickly to get under the protective umbrella of our Great Blessed Charter.

    Do our rules on racial profiling extend to our intelligence services too,or just the cops? Does Canada have CSIS agents attending Robbie Burns Day celebrations, just in case?

  2. I think what this demonstrates is that many new Canadians have the spirit of entrepreneurship and initiative that allows them to break down barriers, shatter glass ceilings (and retail windows) and we should be celebrating it not condemning it.

    1. Frank, are you launching your bid for leadership of the Liberals? I think that post in itself makes you a real contender.

  3. Not sure the 4th story counts as “Canadian Man” except under Justin’s definition of “A canadian is a canadian” even if a convicted war criminal paid out $10 million by the government of canada.
