26 Replies to “Wednesday On Turtle Island”

  1. The election is over. Taylor Swift has endorsed Harris. America is finished. Stick a fork in it.

    1. Swift’s feet need to be held to the fire. She not only signaled support for our daughters being punched out by non biological females, but also, she is tacitly cheerleading for the mutilation and sterilization of minor children and the state’s perogative to intervene and severe parental rights, if the parent’s resist.

      1. Isn’t Swift a Billionaire? Isn’t she supposed to be paying her “fair share”? So … according to Kamela’s acolytes … there are “good” Billionaires who are entitled to offshore and hoard their wealth … and “bad” Billionaires like Donald Trump who don’t pay his “fair share”.

        Swift actually believes she will be spared in the coming Marxist purge of the rich?

      2. Now, holding Taylor Swift’s feet to the fire would make a really good men’s adventure magazine cover. If anyone out there has the AI imaging chops?

  2. How did a jihadi get into Canada, by plane maybe. No one would bother trying to stop him, not in canada.

  3. Megyn Kelly has offered to moderate a debate. Trump should take her up on it. If Harris shows up, fine. If not Kelly can grill Trump in a long format interview. The content will be relevant. Full disclosure, I don’t have much interest in today’s political debate beyond a half hour. I find gotchas and ad hominems, tedious.

    1. I get that the memes of Trump defending our pets have been clever, even hilarious, but I cringed when he brought up the claim that immigrants are stealing animals to eat them. That stands out as his worst moment to me.

      1. I can’t verify if this is true, but I came across another article that claimed the citizens had voted to welcome the Haitian refuges. If true, it’s another virtue signaling backfire.

      1. If Harris declined, which is likely, what would you say to an adversarial interview featuring the Unity ticket team. They don’t have to agree on everything, but, If they hammer home that Dems, especially Biden/Harris killed the American Dream and American ethos, I’m good. It’s what we do have in common. The Dem vision for the future of middle America is bleak, creepy, empty.

        1. EX….
          “..The Dem vision for the future of middle America is bleak, creepy, empty…”

          That my friend applies to the entire Western Hemisphere..

    2. Never thought I’d do this, but I contacted Megyn Kelly’s website and requested that she either moderate a Harris/Trump debate or conduct an indepth adversarial interview with the Unity Team.
      The American Dream and the American ethos have to be clearly contrasted with the Hi-Tech Feudal Surveillance state, “Der Staat Uber Alles”, offered by the Dems. It is what unites us.

  4. “Diverthity ith our thtrength”
    “Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them”

    On the anniversary of 9/11, I don’t know which line is more troubling, but anyone who believes in either statement is probably your mortal enemy and could be your neighbor.

  5. Don’t know but on this day of 9/11 anniversary I have a strong feeling that the West never learns:

    – 9/11 happens, terrible tragedy, Islamic terrorism 100% but W comes up with the idiotic “Islam religion of peace”. 23 years after, our young&bright are marching and yelling for Palestine and Islam like 9/11 and Oct 7 didn’t happen.

    – An unqualified glittery moron and scumbag is elected PM in Canada, proves himself many times to be an imbecile, liar and scumbag but what Canada does? re-elects him 2 more times + big chances that he will be PM again in 2025.

    – In US big fraud election time, 3.5 yrs of everything-down in America+internationally but hey Kamala did great last night + omg Taylor Swift endorsed her!

  6. Re: The Trump Harris Debate

    Trump Debates ABC News

    IMO Daniel Greenfield is correct in his assessment that “The 3-on-1 debate may very well mark the end of the mainstream media presidential debates.”

    ABC News Fact-Checked Trump 7 Times; Never Fact-Checked Kamala Once

    IMO the only thing that can be said about the Trump Harris Debate is the following:
    “No matter how much you hate the media, you don’t hate them enough.” – Konstantin Kisin
