67 Replies to “What If This Were True?”

    1. Why do you hate Trudeau so much? You and he are practically lovers already over the Covid shots and vax mandates! I call BS.

      1. Is that how you determine your beliefs? If an idea is held by someone you dislike, then you disbelieve it?

        Poor way to determine what’s true. Some would say even stupid.

          1. I notice that the paper was accepted 41 days after it submitted. That’s lightening fast, suggesting it did not go through a full peer review process.

            Take it up with Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. It’s obvious they’re playing fast and loose with the concept of peer review.

  1. “Canadian” is used interchangeably with “democrat” and “negro” in the US. So how about we just swap them?

    “Snow N+ggers”?

    1. I’m an American. I grew up in Maine, with Canadians on three sides. Our version of the Tru-dopes have driven me South, where no one calls Canadians anything. No one here ever thinks of Canada. I live in South Carolina and despite Quebec sending the Grand Strand lots of tourists, Canada might as well be an island off of Borneo to most people here.

      1. “No one calls Canadians anything” -that’s the whole point of this thread, to come up with a slur for Canadians.

        I’ve lived in three us states where “Canadian” was used to refer to black people.

  2. I know quite a few of them and though it does not sound insulting enough, some accurate descriptions are “privileged socialists” or “luxury socialists” or “happy serfs” or “hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil serfs” or “believers in freedoms of convenience” or “gullible prisoners of privilege” or “coddled pets of the government”. Having achieved middle class success by following the rules, they have an unwavering belief in rules made by government. Content in their coccoon of economic prosperity and constant consumers and believers of mainstream media, they outsource moral authority and guidance to government.
