75 Replies to “BREAKING…”

  1. AXeworthy is a weasel and so is Trudeau. I 2nd President Trump’s calumnious comment.

    Rock serves no use purpose and has no redeeming qualities.

    1. “Rock is a useless pathetic waste of space and protoplasm. ”

      I remember him trying to take away our guns. I wouldn’t piss on him of he was on fire.

        1. I’d have to fall in love with him first. Kissing on the lips and pissing on the unlit kindling are two things a gay prostitute generally won’t do. Or so I am led to understand.

  2. Also Allan Rock

    I’m sure this letter will hit Trump with all the impact of a milk-sodden bread crumb

  3. I doubt Trump knows who these two clowns are.

    I’ve seen pictures of young Trudeau and Castro side by side. Mightly similar!

    1. Exactly. Likely only 1% of Canadians under 40 know who they are and only 10% of those over 40.
      At least they didn’t claim to have witnessed the procreating.

    2. Yeah, they look enough alike to be related, but fact of the matter is, the timeline doesn’t support Fidel being Justin’s father. It has been investigated.

      9 months before Justin was born, the time of his conception, his mother wasn’t anywhere near Cuba or Fidel.

      1. They look very much alike, no resemblance to the floozy or PeeAir. It’s UNCANNY.
        The world would love to see a DNA test

      2. Actually that’s not quite true. She MAY have been.

        About the time
        The two cells that gave us Justin fused the Trudeaus were on a cruise in the Caribbean which included a secret location.

        If Margaret tells us that the secret location was NOT Cuba, I’ll accept that.

        But we’re entitled to speculate until she does.

        And in
        A sense it really doesn’t
        Matter. Either way Justin’s father was a Communist

  4. These guys are both lifelong politicians. I can’t think of anything worse to say about them. I’m curious to know how they know the PM’s pedigree. All of the people claiming Pierre is his father have a long lineage of dishonesty, including the PM.

  5. Pffffttt…haven’t seen hide nor hair from those two mutts in years. The ass kissing in that letter was so cringe I got second hand embarrassment, the only thing missing was an invitation to a duel.
    They’re likely vying for a job.

    “We call upon you to withdraw your book from circulation…”

    Yeah, I’m sure he’ll get right on that.

  6. Dear Lloyd and Allan, You claim disdain at foreign politicians disparaging Canadian leaders. Please point me to your vituperative responses to fellow MP Carolyn Parrish stomping on a George Bush doll in 2004. I’ll wait.

    1. Your comment should be publicly presented to those two rooster lollipops. The only change would be to point out they confuse TurdHole with a leader.

  7. I love this…
    “We express *no opinion* here on [US election] subject, including your documented history of lying and deceit!”
    (emphasis mine)

    Typical LIE-beral cognitive dissonance!!!

    And on the topic of ‘not expressing an opinion,’ the letter continues…
    “We are, however very concerned about the way foreign politicians refer to Canadian leaders, and we have every right to express our outrage when people like you demean and insult them from abroad…”

    I’d like to see Axworthy and Rock’s faces if and when they find out that the “slander” turns out to be true.
    Would they like the egg on their faces scrambled, or poached?

    1. 23 and Me calling. How may we help you? If anyone doesn’t believe China, Russia, Israel; whomever, already know the answer.

  8. The Liberals make me puke. The useless letter looks to me like the type of letter a child would write to Santa Claus. What idiots.

  9. Hrmm, did the hoplophobe and the president of the “World Federalist Movement-Insitute for Global Policy” actually read the book “Save America” by Donald Trump, or are they just taking Wapo’s word for it that Trump asserted something “calumnious” about Trudeau.

  10. I can smell what The Rock’s been cookin’ and it smells like pot. He and Axworthy must be sharing a bong.

  11. This could be construed as foreign election interference if Lloyd Axworthy had been relevant to anything at any point in the last quarter of a century. Is Nancy Pelosi going to start screaming about CANADA CANADA CANADA now?

    Somehow I don’t think moronic comments by leftard Canadian has-beens are going to erode Trump’s support. I suspect if any Americans knew who these two clown-car Liberals were, their response would be, “Look, I’m already voting for him, you don’t have to sell me.”

    1. “Clown-car Liberals”. LOL

      I love virtually any hyphenated-modifier. And I’m stealing that term.

  12. Now I want to write a book and claim that Idi Amin is Justin’s real father.

    Or at least have WP write an article saying that I made that claim.

    1. That might explain the black face …. maybe that’s his real colour when he washes off the bleach .,..

    2. Not sure how it would work on Justin, but it would ring true for Kamala. Frankly, you should write that book, I see sales potential.

  13. The self-importance of these two washed up LIEberal Lizards is something to behold. No one knows who these gasbags are outside of this pathetic country, and they’re too stupid to understand.

  14. “We are, however very concerned about the way foreign politicians refer to Canadian leaders, and we have every right to express our outrage when people like you demean and insult them from abroad…”

    But it’s OK when people like Axworthy and Rock demean and insult Trump from abroad (“…history of lying and deceit”)

  15. They are upset that Trump ‘demeaned and insulted’ ‘their leader’ – and in the process of whining about it insult a former President?

    I really like the part where they lie about Trump lying – while ignoring Castreau’s lies;)

  16. Lloyd Axworthy, Canada’s rep to the UN, claiming how he was going to show the world how to disarm a nation, i.e. gun control by seizing private property through legislation.

  17. Alan “only police and the military should have guns” Rock. That Alan Rock that cost us two billion, minimum, for a gun registry that he wanted to use for confiscation? That POS?

  18. Alan Rock is a mean-spirited, small-minded, foul-mouthed poltroon … ‘the loud mouth that bespeaks the vacant mind.

    Mr. Rock wrote that “Ann Coulter is a mean-spirited, small-minded, foul-mouthed poltroon … ‘the loud mouth that bespeaks the vacant mind.
    ’ She is an ill-informed and deeply offensive shill for a profoundly shallow and ignorant view of the world. She is a malignancy on the body politic. She is a disgrace to the broadcasting industry and a leading example of the dramatic decline in the quality of public discourse in recent times.”


  19. Have those two assholes similarly called out another foreign head of state and their patron, Xi Jinping, for calling their leader “little Potato”? Gee, I wonder why….. not really.

  20. Lloyd knows for sure that Fidel isn’t Justin’s father?
    Was he there in the bedroom when Fidel was pounding Mad Maggie?
    Did he personally inspect the used rubber for leaks?

  21. Allan Rock resigned because he forged a signature on an abortion permission form on behalf of a married woman he knocked up. He’s far from an example of upstanding morals

    1. Greg

      I think that was Francis Fox.

      Allan Rock accepted freebies from the Irvings, but didn’t have to resign. Apparently accepting freebies is standard practice for Liberals.

      1. Joe,

        Thanks for correcting my incorrect post. It’s hard for an old guy to keep track of Lieberal scandals. That is nothing new under the sun. It’s tradition.

  22. Perhaps Axworthy and Rock (Honourable members of the Biggest Dirtbags in the Country) would like to explain how they are so certain of Trudeau’s DNA.
    Unless they were in the room at the time of conception (a not entirely implausible scenario) they should have nothing to say.

  23. When I become the Grim King, those two assholes are going to C.A.G.E. within a month of Shiny Pony.
    Same for Sheila Copps and every other make-me-sick Liberal.

  24. Two old, irrelevant hack, wokee Liberals all offended and disgusted by El Trumpo. GOOD!
    I’m inclined now to go out, buy and read Trumps book.
    I recall back in the day, she was affectionately referred to as “The Maggot”.

  25. Dear Mr Axorthy,

    Go suck a c-ck.


    A real American who deplores what Justin “Castreau” Turdo has done to Canada.

    1. Mr. Axworthy has instructed me to reply: “Good idea. It’s real tasty! Thanks!”

  26. Justin TurdO.. Looks noting like his father.. Or his 1960s swinger mother.. He looks like Fidel Castro.. Its just the way it is.. The older he gets the more OBVIOUS it becomes >>> True..

  27. Axworthy pioneered the “soft-headed” approach to foreign policy, said something about power too…

  28. He doesn’t need to withdraw it from circulation, but he now has in his possession additional comedic material for the next edition of his book.
