12 Replies to “Discontinued Lines”

  1. This story is a perfect illustration of what’s wrong with Western culture today. At first it is disheartening, but there is a positive side: these “woke” socialists do not reproduce and will eventually die out.

  2. “Is it right to bring another person into that?”
    I agree. Stop all immigration from any country who wants us all to be the same, to have our women wear the same clothes, pray five times a day at the same time wants us all to think the same way. It just isn’t fair to them. We need to do better for them.

  3. “…“It almost feels, like, kind of shameful to want to have children….”

    Illustrating the utterly vacuous mentality of the ENTIRE woke, Braindead Left with an arrogant emphasis on
    self entitlement. Meanwhile, across the Western Hemisphere, the only ones producing children are those that desire the Wests obliteration

    They (the White University indoctrinated Left), would leave it ALL to them..

  4. And those who think that way shouldn’t have children. That way, the morons will eventually become nothing but a memory.

  5. She’s an “award winning feminist scholar” so it’s probably better if she doesn’t breed.

    She may also be a proof to the statement: “some things are so stupid that only an academic would believe them”.

    She is also one of those that isn’t showing up for “the future belongs to those who show up”

  6. I’m strongly in favor of those nitwits never procreating. Fewer idiots to deal with in future.

  7. This would be a good thing for the cat population right? All those single ladies providing forever homes for the cats.

  8. Children are social life on the back end.. Nobody else is going to put up with your 50 something irrelevance.. BELIVE IT.. Because its true..
