Diversity Is Our New Landlord

Chaos in Colorado;

Beginning last year, a large influx of Venezuelan migrants, some of them members of the notorious Tren de Aragua street gang, reportedly had “taken over” a series of apartment buildings in Aurora—and unleashed terror. Last month, Venezuelan migrants were allegedly implicated in an attempted homicide, an arrest of purported gang members, and shocking security footage that showed heavily armed men forcibly entering one of the apartments. In response to the chaos, police mobilized en masse and vacated one of the complexes after the city, alleging code violations, deemed it uninhabitable.

How did members of Venezuelan gangs suddenly find themselves in suburban Colorado? To answer this, we have conducted an exclusive investigation, which leads to a troubling conclusion: the Biden administration, in partnership with Denver authorities and publicly subsidized NGOs, provided the funding and logistics to place a large number of Venezuelan migrants in Aurora, creating a magnet for crime and gangs. And, worse, some of the nonprofits involved appear to be profiting handsomely from the situation.

Via Jeff Goldstein;

All this means is that we’re about two weeks away from a second Axios piece, also by Esteban L. Hernandez, in which he argues that, of course Venezuelan gangs are taking over entire apartment buildings — and yes, the whole thing was shadow funded by the Biden Administration — but that’s because diversity is our strength, and plucky Venezuelan gang members are showing spirited initiative, building small businesses in the drug and human trafficking trades that will no doubt bring additional dollars into the community thru more tax revenue, which will go toward better schools and homeless shelters for runaway chihuahuas. They really are the best of us, after all.

19 Replies to “Diversity Is Our New Landlord”

  1. Wow, we allow enemies and ignorant people into our countries and then fret about the violence they are causing. I am unwilling to accept their continuing lies about immigration. It needs to be stopped.

    1. VOWG: “[…] we allow enemies and ignorant people into our countries and then fret about the violence […]”

      I liked what capt_bob posted yesterday on the thread for new nicknames for Canadians.

      Low information morons.

      *sigh* Unfortunately, it applies in most Western countries nowadays, so it’s not really specific to Canadians.

      1. Yes. Look no further than Canadian and American voting patterns. I’m curious about Mexican and countries south where I doubt their ‘governments’ promise the people free things.

      2. Seems like only yesterday I saw a video posted of a bunch of middle aged or older white women in Scotland chanting for more brown people immigration

        1. I don’t recall voting on ‘unlimited immigration from shitholes’.

          It would be ‘racist’ to be against this, no? 🙂

  2. We know stuff is true BEcause the fact-checkers say it isn’t.
    I scrolled through “pages” of headlines that all cited the one city official.
    It’s always confirmation bias en masse by the press pole cleaners.
    There are “like three gang members”… eat shit.
    The Russian Disinformation halfwits seem more legitimate.

    Plain and simple: You don’t negotiate with neo-Marxists.
    Because while you blather, they’re brainwashing your kids to turn you in or just outright kill you.
    If Dick Cheney – that evil fck – endorses someone, you know they’re skipping down the road to perdition as well.
    And if you think that’s hyperbole its because you’re an idiot.

    1. 100% Buddy

      F’ing MEDIA is the # 1 issue in ALL the crap that’s going on – They are the Enablers.

      They’d tell ya straight to your face “ain’t NO one Eating Pets in Springfield” as ya step off the sidewalk to let some migrant Fk chase down a goose.

      It’s long overdue THEY were Taken out….&….yea, that’s exactly what I mean.
      The RAGE should be applied w/extreme prejudice to the Filthy MSM.

  3. Colorado voted for this.

    Elections have consequences.

    If elected, Kamala will allow another 15-20 million into the country.

  4. When take-overs happened at certain Toronto Community Housing Corp buildings, it took longer, and only required harassment of the existing tenants… now they Governmental Non-Government Organizations have found a faster way to do it.

  5. NGO’s … doing the work the Constitution won’t allow Government to do. Our Government has outsourced their trampling of the Constitution, Rule of Law and Justice to unelected, unaccountable NGO’s.

  6. Meh.. You let in organized crime and cry that they are organized.. Its cute that they are brown but beyond that.. Its nothing special.. Ignore it at your own peril..
