27 Replies to “I Want A New Country”

  1. Btw CTV News last night 10-11pm had some garbage from NBC Seth Meyers live, something about ‘elections’. Had to tune out from minute 1, the scumbag started to bash Trump pinata from 1st sentence.
    Ever since Prime Moron won 1st time in 2015, I find CTV + Global even worse than CBC. And the bar is very low with CBC.

    1. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
      Agree completely, they’re not fooling anyone,,, they are as left as the government broadcaster.

  2. What! Are the cops in Ontario as useless as the Mounties. Blink at a thousand serious offenses and zero in on chickenshit charges? Her lawyer should call the prosecutor and have the charges dropped. Do they really want to go to court and argue this case. The prosecutor will lose for one reason, mens rea. To be guilty of assault you have to proven you did it deliberately. Accidentally spraying someone in an active water fight would be hard to prove deliberate.

        1. That was not the OPP, it was Metro Toronto Police waaaaay out of their jurisdiction in Haldimand County. In front of a witness too. Roger Kotanko didn’t genuflect fast enough, and they gave him four rounds of 5.56. The whole thing stunk like week old fish.

          You didn’t hear much about it, because not much was said. Radio silence.

          TL/DR no charges filed against police in the shooting. Shock, surprise.

    1. Nah the silly cows who are all neighbours to the prick will keep voting for the Turd and the commie lite NDP.
      The stupidity of todays electorate is off scale in eastern Canada.

  3. The Crown will probably try to save face and get her to sign a peace bond. I seen it happen in another case where the “victim” was simply getting the police to do his dirty work on his ex.

  4. Zero Tolerance for guns!! I’ll bet this woman let her young sons chew away their sandwich into the shape of a gun.

  5. This incident will go into the firearms database to fatten up gun violence statistics in Canada. BB guns, airsoft, and other “firearms” are in there. Most are accidental discharge or some kids shooting each other in the butt. They will find a way to include the victim as a minority too.

    1. There was no discussion, they know what to do. Any vaguely gun-shaped object is a gun, by order of the Crown. Let the crown try to prove a pink super-soaker is a weapon in court while the cops are sniggering to each other in the hallway.

      Cops do what they’re told. This is what they were told to do. NEVER EVER EVER talk to cops. Ever.

  6. This incident will go into the firearms database to fatten up gun violence statistics in Canada. BB guns, airsoft, and other “firearms” are in there. Most are accidental discharge or some kids shooting each other in the butt. They will find a way to include the victim as a minority too.

    So do I call the cops on Wal-Mart for selling super soakers to minors without asking for a PAL?

  7. A little over twenty years ago, when my son was a little over 2 years old, unbeknownst to me, he brought an orange, translucent squirt gun to his day care. When I arrived at the end of the day to pick him up, a 20-something year old lady, pulled me aside and solemnly stated that my son had brought a gun to school. Thinking he had picked it up in the play yard of the day care (it is Windsor, ON–this wouldn’t be too outlandish), I asked the lady if I could see the “gun” (thought I’d be able to score a free one)…it turns out it was the squirt gun he brought to school that day. I tried to explain to her that the “gun” wasn’t a firearm but a toy–she kept insisting it was a gun. Fµck all the libtards!

  8. 6 years in the clink, 6 years in the big house, and a lifetime weapons ban.

    6 years in the federal penitentiary with appropriate time off for time served at 1:1 ratio, same as the pair from Lethbridge, AB

    It’s going to be very difficult to speak to a police officer in Canada. Ever.
    They seem to be on a roll (a role? may be better suited here…)

    The unionised RCMP, the unionised pencil pushers in the several justice departments, the unionised regional police, the unionised civic police, the unionised this or the unionised that.

  9. We need a cull.
    If you could Thanos all the police in Canada, ridding us of half, that would be a good start.

  10. I guess.. LameO meets lame.. Bust me for farting in your general direction, But the one with the severed head shrine wins.. Just saying..

  11. I’m still trying to figure out how one “accidentally” sprays a neighbor…

    Does one accidentally pick up the water gun?
    Then accidentally fill it up with water?
    Then accidentally take it outside and start a conversation with the neighbor?
    Then accidentally point it at the neighbor?
    Then accidentally pull the trigger?

    Ooops, I accidentally squirted you after I intentionally picked up the water gun, filled it with water, brought it outside, pointed it at you, then, ummmmmmmm, my finger slipped.

    Sorry dude.

    1. You’re kidding, right?

      One accidentally sprays a neighbor by missing the intended target, and the water continues on its trajectory over the property line and hits the neighbor who happens to be passing by.

      Just in case you weren’t kidding.
