35 Replies to “Pollspotting!”

  1. It was 69.3% Yes when I voted.

    Wth is the 1st statement? “A small majority of Canadians want opposition parties to work with the Liberals rather than trigger an early election.”
    Completely useless. It’s there only to nudge/wink-wink you into No.

    Too bad there was no option for “Yes and go to h*ll, Global where you belong”

    1. I freakin’ hate it when they lie like that. I’d never give them a click except for something like this, where I get to call them on lying.

      -Nobody- wants the opposition parties to “work with” the Libs except iron rice bowl Lib minions.

    2. Global is already in h*ll. Its parent company Corus is worth mere pennies in stock value. It has debt it can’t service. Global is a large, expensive liability and has been flushing staff and discarding expensive programming for years now as its viewership shrinks across the board.

      1. and they rely on handouts from the liberal government o survive. Let them die and let finally put the liberal party to the dustbin of history, the damage they have damaged to this country since 1966 is unbelievable

  2. 79-20 yes when I looked. Gee, how surprising.
    What’s up with the 2% on the fence? Pushed the wrong button, I’d say.

  3. Yeah… “the opposition parties”.. which in the demented country that we live in, includes a the separatist BLOC party that exists only to break up the country. “Hmmmm… let’s not get too hasty here my fellow Canadians.. let’s give this Liberal/BLOC coalition some time to govern.”

    This is why I haven’t turned on the legacy media in 5 years.

  4. Who did Ipsos ask in their skewed poll ‘result’? No doubt, it was LIEberal, Dip and Bloqheads that were asked. I don’t know anyone, or have heard others, out here that’s cheering on 12 more months of PM shitforbrains.

    1. The poll makes sense to me. Cumulatively, the Libs, Dips and Bloc make up more than 50% of the vote. It’s why I like first past the post. It’s the only way the right has a chance to govern. My fear is PP will blow it. At least he’s not a Quebecker, like the Jaw that Walked like a Man. Harper should have listened to Tom Flannagan, IMO one of the better con voices in the country.

    1. I’d say that is a big, YES. All the bribed and paid for media, shut down their polls, when things don’t go the proper (Liberal) way.

  5. Some newspapers have a “previous polls page” so you can see how things turned out. I don’t see one there, and I bet they had it but erased it this time.

    They REALLY hate Truth, don’t they? What are they going to wish for if they get their way and we have the utopia they imagine, except it won’t look like anything they wanted. They will be hurting as much as the rest of us, maybe more so as the people realize how they were lied to.

  6. Now I see another poll question when I go to their page.
    Is time speeding up ? Three different questions of the day in a few hours??

    No wonder global is in failure mode.

  7. Global sucks. Its a straight MSNBC feed with some third rate diversity hire reader. They wouldn’t know real news if it hit them in the face.

  8. All I see is a poll on how many people in your car when driving to and from work.
    Anyway… Yes I want an early election!

  9. Global is mostly Liberal bullshit, like most MSM. I heard the story yesterday and I call BS. Everyone I speak to can’t wait to kick Zustin to the curb.

  10. Early election? Maybe elections canuckistan could count the votes from the last one and check eligibility of the voters in the 905 belt. If they did that the last time, we would have had PM Erin o’ Toole since 2021. Not sure I would have liked his covid mandates any more but he would have had a harder time ignoring actual conservative these past few years. This last turd term was as fake as the biden administration.

  11. Whenever the Liberals are in a minority government, and their support starts eroding, the media starts with the “Canadians don’t want an election!” line. It’s been this way for 20 years, back to the Martin minority. Never applies to Conservatives of course.

    All part of the progressive wasteland that is Can-a-duh.

  12. I would prefer an early election in order for Mincemeat to lose in Burnaby before he becomes entitled to his entitlements.
