50 Replies to “September 12, 2024: Reader Tips”

  1. https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/drew-rosenhaus-calls-for-police-officers-who-detained-tyreek-hill-to-be-fired

    Won’t happen. The entitled football star was speeding (and at a rate high enough to land him in jail), refused to roll his window down, refused to get out of the car….in other words, he did *everything* wrong and was personally responsible for escalating the situation to the point where he was arrested. The officers involved DO NOT have to “de-escalate” the situation…Tyreek Hill needs to DO WHAT HE IS TOLD when he is pulled over for a legitimate reason.

    (I’m going to go look for that Chris Rock video now…:)

    1. He did not land in jail. He was assaulted and handcuffed because he was an N-word with a Maclaren. End of story. Standard operating procedure for ignorant pig shit American cops. The stupid ass N-word hating cop could have just given him a ticket and drove away. Every day in the US someone wins a $ million lawsuit for such blatant prejudice. The story would have ended a lot differently were he white. Ten cops for a speeding ticket? Give me a break. I’d like to hear the radio traffic on that one.

        1. No, he was a black guy with a $400,000 car. The cops dense little retarded head said, “Ding, ding, ding, a drug dealer.” The dense little prick thought he was going to be a national hero. You don’t take down a speeder with 10 cops and violence. You write an effing ticket.

  2. TD Bank’s economics division issued a report saying that Canadians’ living standards have fallen:

    Two quotes from the report:

    “Canadians’ standard of living, as measured by real GDP per person, was lower in 2023 than 2014”.

    “For service industries, a greater reliance on non-permanent residents appears to have contributed to the decline in productivity since the pandemic…the concentration of non-permanent residents in low-paid work has worsened Canada’s productivity performance “.

    1. To pull out my usual IMF GDP per capita numbers for 2024: US $85,373 Canada $54,866. Canada under Trudeau has taken an absolute economic shit kicking. Approval of economic projects is so perilous, business has given up trying.

    1. Well at least our governments are making sure that “irregular migrants” get priority for “public” housing and have lots of money! /s

    2. (Liberals, WOKIsts, DEI, ESG & LMIA X mass monetary inflation) + mass Invasion of 3m mouth breathing Garbage =….?

      The Globalist plan churns on

  3. In tune with the post above, here is a link to an article on the UK economy.
    2 paragraphs that resonated with me:
    “For over a decade now the Conservatives and Labour have set a course for low growth, a bloated state and stagnation whilst increasing spending at any and every opportunity.

    “The Conservatives had fourteen years in Government and instead of fixing the roof whilst the sun was shining, they continued with the economic consensus set by the New Labour government and the consequences are now coming home to roost.”

  4. Moderna will cut investments by $1.1 billion due to slowing sales and lower revenue expectations.

  5. ECB cuts key interest rate by 0.25% citing a “declining inflationary environment” (aka “recessionary”).

  6. Russian diamonds good, Russian fertilizer bad.
    Canada’s fourth dumbest cabinet minister allows diamonds imports from Russia.

    “Foreign Minister @melaniejoly grants jewellers partial waiver from sanctions on Russian diamond imports.
    “Not allowing an exemption for these diamonds puts a financial burden upon the diamond industry”

    1. Joly…looking out for “regular” Canadians as per usual.
      Like Canadians Give a Flying F about Diamonds when they cant even afford Food.

      Comments like this from the what is essentially a 17th Century Style Monarchy is what sparks rebellions – well, at least it did in France. I doubt we would EVER see Canadians rise up…

      Far too many IMBECILES in this gulag – Covid proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt

  7. CBC discovers our economy is sputtering. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-gdp-per-capita-rich-1.7318989
    A couple of observations:
    The timelines were carefully chosen so no comparison could be made between the various parties in power.
    No mention that government spending is counted in GDP. If no deficits were run in the last few years, the real GDP would be in negative growth, ie. recession.
    No mention of a split between public and private sector economies. Private sector sustains the economy (sustainability anyone?) whereas the public acts a a drag on the economy so this comparison would be a strong indicator.
    Defund the CBC
