20 Replies to “So Noted”

  1. They are disputing the meaning of the word “big” because they can’t dispute that there was a sizeable disruption in Seattle. It is called “nitpicking” for a reason.

    1. Yes, go to the Seattle Times website for the story, and the excuses and nitpicking from the leftists in Seattle. They quibble over every little thing, trying to deny CHOP was much of anything.
      More people died at CHOP than Jan 6th. Another Inconvenient Truth. Trump keeps being correct, including the Haitian invaders eating pets and domesticated animals.
      The Demarxists and their apologists in the propaganda media are panicking…..

  2. I see Haitian dietary preferences in Ohio are no longer a thing so I can only conclude it did or is happening.

  3. Did the “News” organization mention the CHAZ shootings? And murder? Asking for the dead kids family …

  4. Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered.

  5. I get a kick out of some of the “fact checkers” beaking off about the “debate”. There seems to be a new category they are using for Harris that they don’t use for Trump….and that is “Context needed”. What a bunch of B.S. The media is getting more nauseating by the hour.

  6. The Left lies then broadcasts the lie. It only takes milliseconds for it to gain traction as absolute truth. The brain-dead sheeple will call you an heretic even when you have the counter evidence and the retraction of the original lie.
    The lie broadcasted by the Seattle Times is now TRUTH and all the hard counter evidence and retractions in the world will not change it.

  7. When does it become legal to beat up professional prevaricators and obfuscators?
    I think these fckheads would lie about gravity.

  8. The very textbook definition of gaslighting. We all remember what we saw, and what was reported, but now the Seattle Times are pretending that none of that ever existed, and so, trying to convince us that we’re all crazy.

    Do they even bother reading their own paper?

    1. The MainLie Media are deserving of massive class action lawsuits. Else what are we to do with all these lawyers?
