The Thing I like Best About Harm Reduction Programs

Is the way they reduce harm.

Police in Kingston, Ont., say they’ve arrested a male suspect after a violent daytime assault left two people dead and one in hospital with life-threatening injuries.

Kingston police say they arrested the suspect without further incident just before 5 p.m., after negotiating his surrender for several hours.

Spokesperson Const. Anthony Colangeli says police received reports that the suspect may have been wielding an edged or blunt weapon, possibly both.

Police say officers were called to an encampment around a safe injection site and Integrated Care Hub around 10:40 a.m. after a report of a serious assault.

14 Replies to “The Thing I like Best About Harm Reduction Programs”

  1. Can’t they find a run down warehouse, in some far away industrial area for these “harm reduction clinics”?

  2. Kate, Kate, Kate … harm was reduced in the same way a facial burning could have been worse … neither of the attackers used an American-exported gun.

  3. Harm reduction started in Vancouver, and proven to be an utter fail. The feds and BC have made it way more dangerous.

    I live near the lower east side with all the do-gooder sites, and the unhinged folks are out wandering around there high as a kite.

  4. Differentiating between an edged weapon and a blunt weapon appears to be incredibly challenging. Perhaps they could hold a class on it.

    BTW, that’s “alleged suspect” because those are the rules.

  5. Wow, imagine turning a milque toast city like Kingston into a place where drugs are causing murders. Some also observed that the skin color of the residents is changing quite rapidly.

  6. you can thank Justin for bringing in the third world. He announced in 2015 that he was going to replace old school white Canadians and people still voted for him three times

    1. I never voted for him, not that it makes any difference. Harper was importing the third world as well. Can you name a PM in the last 50 years who hasn’t imported the third world? Can you remember any politician ever questioning whether or not it was a good idea? We live under a uniparty on this issue.

  7. Who is the guy who closed down the nut houses and let these people run free? And where is all the money we saved in the process?
