21 Replies to “Thursday On Turtle Island”

          1. Yes, instead of trying to live with the natives, we should have just done like everyone else (including the natives) and just conquered them. The Spaniards went that route and have very few problems today.

  1. Re: Debate
    I was disappointed at first, cuz I hoped for something more decisive. But, that was looking thru my lens. When I paid attention to what others perceived, I realized that many people were attuned to the “pile on” by the moderators and to the substitution of sneers and smears for substance, and they didn’t like it.
    Trump may not have delivered a knock out blow, but he did deliver authentic passion and energy.

    1. Two hours well spent – Thanks for this wide-ranging discussion detailing the deconstruction of western civilization. Which is well underway. A significant event kinetic(?) is on their horizon. Where & when unknown. A number of plausible causes explained.

  2. Megan Kelly, the pretend conservative voice for the Uniparty r. Pretty sure Trump new going in to the debate it would be one sided, so he must have been okay with the format.

  3. We must all listen to Taylor Swift because she knows the words to a dozen or so songs!
    That’s IMPORTANT!

    1. Two separate comments- Taylor Swift is a 35 year old teen-age girl. Yes, she is a billionaire, but as someone once said, “I have needed the services of a plumber, an electrician, a mechanical contractor, an engineer. I have NEVER needed the services of a pro athlete OR or of an overpaid actor/actress.”

      Trudeau thinks that putting on a pair of black eyeglasses will make him a serious person. Once again, he is play-acting and relying on props for gravitas.

      1. According to her songs, she is not a very good judge of men or character… I’m with Alice Cooper on this. He basically said that if you take your political advice from rock stars, you have some serious problems.

      2. Trudoh is a LARPER. (Live Action Role Player) – defined by the Urban Dictionary as: “Larper” is a person that does something that is way out of their capability but genuinely thinks they can do it even though it’s obvious they’re no-where near doing so.”

  4. Government should never be trusted, because their incentives aren’t always visible, beyond “increase the power of government”.

  5. Trey Gowdy, like him or not, said Trump missed many opportunities and I have to agree. To the “very fine people” B.S. she brought up, he could have asked the moderators to fact check, then fact check them after they lied and tell the audience to check it out themselves. Mention the Democrats were the party of slavery and that Kamela’s Irish and Indian (not black) family owned slaves in Jamaica. That woul have put a cork in it. He should have stayed longer on the Afghan rout topic, maybe name a few names of the killed soldiers, or people killed in Minneapolis, etc… Many other examples. Of course it’s easy to armchair quarterback after the fact, not so easy when you are swamped with lies and BS from 3 sides. They got under his skin and he was rightly upset.

  6. Re Warrior caste: “The goal was to jettison the multi-generation military families who create the “warrior caste” that she wanted to avoid.”

    They have succeeded already. In the US and Canada. Talk to any vet or most serving members – a high percentage of wich are multi-generation military – and they have no intention to let their kids serve in the current military.
