8 Replies to “Today In Islam”

    1. It gets far worse.
      Malaysian authorities on Wednesday rescued 402 children and arrested 171 suspects after raiding 20 welfare homes linked to an Islamic business group, in which children were exploited and abused, the national police chief said.

    2. Where was I…
      Edmonton in a Hotel, getting ready for Meetings – TV is on, catch a glimpse in the Bathroom mirror, ha, looks like an outtake for a new Arnold Swarzenegger movie… Take elevator downstairs, head into the Dining lounge to join fellow Sales guys…all sitting in a group glued to the television…Hmm, Scratch my head..

      “Whats going on”..??

      At some point in time, Western Humanity needs to come to the conclusion that 2024 is no different than 711AD, with the Umayyad conquest of Hispania….

      THIS Sub human FILTH will NOT stop until you the Entire WEST is subjugated and mostly slaughtered.
      They were Never here to ASSIMILATE.

      F ISLAM And every one of its inbred jihadists.

  1. …And we keep bringing them in from their shithole countries to our mostly civilized countries so that they can inflict their ”Religion of Peace” on our lives.
    Peace for whom? Certainly not for the Christians!
    Interesting times worldwide!

  2. The only people worse than devout followers of Islam are the western politicians and progressives importing them and acting as their useful idiots passing blasphemy laws disguised as safeguards against the Orwellian mythology of “Islamophobia”. They are the 1400 year old enemies of western civilization and nothing has changed to alter their mission.

  3. Don’t worry, the Moderate Muslims will fix things.
    Lookit all the Islamic countries with Christian Churches, Jewish Synagogues and Hindu Mandirs…
